Success Stories in Food System Transformation

  • Game changer for sustainable palm oil

    European private sector forces join to ensure a fully sustainable palm oil supply chain in Europe by 2020. The commitment to support 100% sustainable Palm Oil was presented to the…

    Game changer for sustainable palm oil
  • Meanwhile in Amsterdam…

    The Ministry of Development Cooperation and International Trade organized a one-day conference on aid and trade. The Dutch government chairs the EU in the coming six months and aid and…

    Meanwhile in Amsterdam…
  • Little book offers landscape-scale solutions

    Big solutions can be found in a little book released today at the Paris climate talks. The Little Sustainable Landscapes Book argues that sustainable management of landscapes is a local…

    Little book offers landscape-scale solutions
  • Over 300 organizations sign up for public-private cooperation plan in coffee

    Addis Abeba, March 2016 – The first landmark of the newly formed Global Coffee Platform was today at the 4th World Coffee Conference: the launch of Vision 2020, a plan…

    Over 300 organizations sign up for public-private cooperation plan in coffee
  • South Sumatran government and IDH sign Memorandum of Understanding

    Today the South Sumatran Provincial governor Alex Noerdin and IDH director Joost Oorthuizen signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the IDH office in Utrecht. With the MoU in place, IDH…

    South Sumatran government and IDH sign Memorandum of Understanding
  • A call to action to make coffee the first sustainable agricultural product in the world

    Today, at the U.N. climate negotiations, Conservation International (CI) announced the launch of the Sustainable Coffee Challenge — a call to action to make coffee the first sustainable agricultural product…

    A call to action to make coffee the first sustainable agricultural product in the world
  • Tender Impact Evaluation 2013-2020

    In the period of 2016-2020, IDH will engage in 11 sectors with a focus on addressing deep impact issues (“high-hanging fruits”), such as deforestation, living wage, sexual harassment on crop…

    Tender Impact Evaluation 2013-2020
  • New finance models for smallholder tree crop plantations

    To improve agriculture, business practices and productivity, IDH, convened civil society, corporate and finance organizations in coalitions with the aim of creating new financing models to fund smallholder farmer perennial…

    New finance models for smallholder tree crop plantations
  • GAA brings its BAP standard to GSSI Benchmark Tool

    The Global Aquaculture Alliance’s Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) third-party certification scheme has submitted an application to the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) following the launch of its Global Benchmark Tool.

    GAA brings its BAP standard to GSSI Benchmark Tool
  • IDH CEO Joost Oorthuizen listed among the 100 top sustainability leaders in the Netherlands

    IDH CEO Joost Oorthuizen has been listed number 61 out of the 100 top sustainability drivers in the Netherlands on the “Sustainable 100” ranking by Trouw, a major Dutch newspaper.

    IDH CEO Joost Oorthuizen listed among the 100 top sustainability leaders in the Netherlands
  • ISLA Coalition in Ethiopia sets priorities for joint action

    ISLA Ethiopia coalition of public, private and civil society stakeholders gathered in Ziway town on the 1st of Oct 2015 to validate short listed joint actions for implementation in the…

    ISLA Coalition in Ethiopia sets priorities for joint action
  • About hideous oranges and failed lemons

    There is business in sustainability; increasingly consumers are aware of sustainability issues, find these important, and even make it play a part in their purchasing decisions. But apparently, companies do…

    About hideous oranges and failed lemons
  • Convening a local platform: Sustainable Spice Initiative – India

    A pre-platform meeting was held on the 19-20th of August, 2015 in India’s spices capital – Kochi with the members of the SSI India working group and some…

    Convening a local platform: Sustainable Spice Initiative – India
  • Changing course on improving the world

    Ambitious new goals Looking at the new goals we see that they are pretty ambitious; like ‘End poverty in all its forms everywhere’, and ‘End hunger, achieve food security and…

    Changing course on improving the world