Success Stories in Food System Transformation

  • IDH participa de evento em comemoração aos 10 anos do GTPS

    A IDH – Iniciativa para Comércio Sustentável marcou presença no evento de aniversário de dez anos do Grupo de Trabalho da Pecuária Sustentável (GTPS), realizado no dia 16 de novembro,…

    IDH participa de evento em comemoração aos 10 anos do GTPS
  • IDH e Solidaridad lançam publicação com aprendizados do programa SFTF III

    A IDH – Iniciativa para Comércio Sustentável e a Solidaridad reuniram em uma publicação os aprendizados sobre paisagem sustentável com a conclusão da terceira fase do programa Soy Fast Track Fund (SFTF…

    IDH e Solidaridad lançam publicação com aprendizados do programa SFTF III
  • Key civil society antagonist fames Cocoa and Forest Initiative

    These Frameworks spell out concrete actions to eliminate deforestation in the cocoa supply chain. CEO of Might Earth, Glenn Hurowitz has said in an article published on their website:…

    Key civil society antagonist fames Cocoa and Forest Initiative
  • European palm oil import almost 69% sustainable

    Our latest monitoring report shows the import and use of sustainable palm oil in 13 European countries. European imports of palm oil decrease, but the share of sustainable palm oil…

    European palm oil import almost 69% sustainable
  • IDH for Gender

    IDH raises its voice to emphasize just how crucial we believe it is to address gender in our value chains. Tomorrow is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence…

    IDH for Gender
  • Europe on its way to achieving 100% sustainable palm oil

    Europe imports 69% CSPO for food. European food industry uses 60% CSPO. A new monitoring report by the European Sustainable Palm Oil (ESPO) project shows that there is a growing…

    Europe on its way to achieving 100% sustainable palm oil
  • Partnership for climate resilient cotton farming communities signed by Dutch embassy in Mozambique

    Cotton farmers in Mozambique remain in a cycle of poverty, exposed to increasing climate fluctuations. The Climate Resilience Program, supported by IDH and partners, provides capital and assets to farming…

    Partnership for climate resilient cotton farming communities signed by Dutch embassy in Mozambique
  • IDH presents learnings of the first seven landscape projects on soy in South America

    A learning report with Solidaridad. Future programs need to bridge the gap between public sector decisions at federal or state levels and their implementation at local level. The same goes…

    IDH presents learnings of the first seven landscape projects on soy in South America
  • 70% of Global Cocoa Supply Agrees to Forest Action

    At the UN Climate Change Conference (COP23), top cocoa-producing countries Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana have announced far-reaching joint Frameworks for Action with leading chocolate and cocoa companies to end deforestation…

    70% of Global Cocoa Supply Agrees to Forest Action
  • IDH and coffee companies support Vietnamese farmers become climate resilience, reduce carbon footprint

    IDH and coffee companies have been supporting coffee farmers in the Central Highlands region of Vietnam to become climate change resilient, cost efficient, and reduce their carbon footprint. Through its…

    IDH and coffee companies support Vietnamese farmers become climate resilience, reduce carbon footprint
  • IDH jurisdictional approaches to mitigate deforestation in WWF report released at COP23

    Today, at the UN climate conference COP23 in Bonn, IDH’s landscape work was featured in a report released by WWF on the important role of jurisdictional approaches in achieving sustainable…

    IDH jurisdictional approaches to mitigate deforestation in WWF report released at COP23
  • Juice covenant getting more robust with new members

    SVZ and Firmenich join forces with the Sustainable Juice Covenant. Since the launch of the Sustainable Juice Covenant in March this year, more partners have teamed up to increase the…

    Juice covenant getting more robust with new members
  • Malawi Tea 2020 makes steady progress

    Good progress is seen around the activities of the Malawi Tea 2020 program, such as investments by estates, work around energy efficiency and environment and farmer field schools and Village…

    Malawi Tea 2020 makes steady progress
  • Power of IDH Fresh & Ingredients program grows

    A dozen of companies joined our Fresh & Ingredients program in the last quarter, increasing the power of the program. The members commit to increase in sustainable volumes sourced.

    Power of IDH Fresh & Ingredients program grows