Success Stories in Food System Transformation

  • SODEFOR half-way the full census of the Goin-Débé forest reserve

    SODEFOR, the state agency for the development of forest reserves has the priority to end deforestation and to initiate reforestation of these forest reserves. In order to achieve this, SODEFOR…

    SODEFOR half-way the full census of the Goin-Débé forest reserve
  • IDH for Gender

    Since the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, until 10 December, Human Rights Day, IDH is proud to be joining this year’s global 16 Days of Activism…

    IDH for Gender
  • Sunny Verghese, CEO of OLAM: “Our food system is broken. We need to fix it.” (Interview in Dutch)

    Sunny Verghese, CEO of OLAM and the new Chairman of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) made a deep impression during the 10-year anniversary event of IDH, the…

    Sunny Verghese, CEO of OLAM: “Our food system is broken. We need to fix it.” (Interview in Dutch)
  • Queen Máxima thinks IDH is ‘amazing’

    This article was originally published on P-plus in Dutch and was translated by IDH. A fund that reduces the risk of investors, so small tropical farmers can finance their…

    Queen Máxima thinks IDH is ‘amazing’
  • Living wages in practice, in the avocado supply chain from Kenya

    In collaboration with IDH and Hivos, Eosta conducted a living wage research pilot, with a Kenyan avocado supplier, to research whether living waged could be used to improve social sustainability…

    Living wages in practice, in the avocado supply chain from Kenya
  • Why a gender approach is good for workers, business and the sector

    At global level there is ample and growing evidence that investing in the female workforce aligns well with business priorities. Since 2014 we have with the Ethiopian Horticulture Producers and Exporters Association,…

    Why a gender approach is good for workers, business and the sector
  • Why should gender be addressed in our value chains?

    For the UN women campaign 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence, together with our partners and core donors we raise our voices to emphasize just how crucial we…

    Why should gender be addressed in our value chains?
  • IDH 10 Year Event

    IDH book, Farmfit Fund and other highlights On November 15 we celebrated 10 years of public-private collaboration during IDH’s 10 Year Event. 10 years of achieving great things together, and…

    IDH 10 Year Event
  • IDH Farmfit provides new incentives for financial service providers to step into agricultural finance

    Unlocking the USD 200 billion smallholder finance market The Mastercard Foundation Rural and Agricultural Finance Learning Lab (the Lab) and IDH Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) have joined forces…

    IDH Farmfit provides new incentives for financial service providers to step into agricultural finance
  • Imazon e Cirad, parceiros da IDH comentam os avanços do Pacto de Paragominas

    O município de Paragominas (PA) vive atualmente uma experiência importante com a fase de estruturação do pacto na região. Uma vez que a cidade foi pioneira nesse sentido, em 2008…

    Imazon e Cirad, parceiros da IDH comentam os avanços do Pacto de Paragominas
  • IDH participa do encontro anual da World Cocoa Foundation (WCF)

    No último dia 24 outubro, a IDH – Iniciativa para o Comércio Sustentável participou do o encontro anual da World Cocoa Foundation (WCF), a Fundação Mundial do…

    IDH participa do encontro anual da World Cocoa Foundation (WCF)
  • IDH e Rabobank firmam parceria global para implementação do fundo Agri3

    A partir das demandas crescentes por soluções para produção sustentável de alimentos, conservação de recursos naturais e inclusão social, o Rabobank e a UN Environment (Programa de Meio Ambiente das…

    IDH e Rabobank firmam parceria global para implementação do fundo Agri3
  • Estratégia PCI apresenta Grupo de Ação Corporativa

    A Iniciativa PCI – Produzir, Conservar e Incluir, criou em dezembro do ano passado o Grupo de Trabalho Valor, Engajamento e Comunicação. O papel desse grupo é propor estratégias…

    Estratégia PCI apresenta Grupo de Ação Corporativa
  • IDH launches first Verified Sourcing Area pilot in Mato Grosso, Brazil

    IDH and partners have launched the Verified Sourcing Areas (VSAs) concept and first readiness pilot in Mato Grosso state in Brazil at the “Future of Sustainable Trade” conference in Utrecht…

    IDH launches first Verified Sourcing Area pilot in Mato Grosso, Brazil