A Iniciativa para o Comércio Sustentável (IDH) promoveu no dia 15 de novembro, em Utrecht, na Holanda, o The Future of Sustainable Trade, evento realizado para comemorar seu 10º aniversário.
AGRI3Fund: IDH partners with Rabobank, UN Environment and Mirova Althelia to support deforestation-free agriculture
IDH has been named Technical Assistance Manager of the AGRI3 Fund, as part of a partnership between UN Environment and Rabobank to catalyze private financial resources for deforestation-free, sustainable agriculture…
Indonesia: Yayasan Inisiatif Dagang Hijau (YIDH) joins pledge on sustainable development and conservation in Papua region
YIDH has joined forces with the governors of Papua and West Papua provinces, Indonesia, together with companies and civil society organizations, to sign the landmark Manokwari Declaration to drive sustainable…
Better Cotton GIF Reaches One Million Cotton Farmers in 2017-18
The Better Cotton Growth and Innovation Fund (GIF) reached one million cotton farmers in 2017-18*, the second year of programme implementation. During the year, the Fund invested over €9.4 million…
International Tea Day: Reflecting on a year steeped in positive change
It’s often said there’s nothing quite so satisfying as a nice cup of tea and a sit down. But today — International Tea Day — we’d like to offer something…
Disease management to achieve sustainability goals in tropical aquaculture has a clear business case
The environmental costs of diseases, mortality and antibiotics are high in tropical aquaculture. Fish that die before they are sold are obviously a waste of inputs. Overuse of anti-biotics, creates…
High-Level Meeting of the Cocoa & Forests Initiative in Utrecht
Discussions focused on current actions and upcoming priorities, next steps in Colombia, relevance of the initiative in Liberia and Cameroon and actions needed to move thematic working groups forward. 76 participants attended…
Progress on Cocoa & Forests Initiative Company Action Plans
Thirty-one companies have submitted their draft action plans to WCF to be aggregated and shared with the governments of Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire in December, with the aim to publish…
From forests to farms: Cargill tracks commitment to protect the planet
Cargill Cocoa & Chocolate believes that eliminating deforestation in the cocoa supply chain is imperative; not only to protect our planet’s natural resources, but also to safeguard the income potential…
La SODEFOR mi-parcours le recensement dans la forêt classée de Goin-Débé
La Société de Développement des Forêts (SODEFOR) a pour priorité de réduire le phénomène de déforestation et d’entamer de vaste programme de reforestation des forêts classées. Afin d’atteindre cet objectif,…
New resource: A look at IDH’s approach to building sustainable landscapes
How can we address deforestation, water depletion and other natural resource management issues while improving farmer and community livelihoods on a large scale? We must ensure that agricultural production is…
Looking back on 16 Days of Activism against gender based violence
We need a strong gender approach for value chain development, and we can only achieve this when partnerships work together and collectively take responsibility. IDH is proud to work with…
Data key to unlocking sustainable tropical timber market growth
Accurate data is key to growing the market share of sustainable tropical timber, according to the ‘Using data to drive market share’ conference hosted by Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition (STTC),…
Prince Charles visits the Cocoa & Forests Initiative in Accra
A high level Cocoa & Forests Initiative meeting was organized to brief HRH the Prince of Wales on progress of the initiative, on the 5th of November in Accra. The…