Creating jobs in Africa and promoting sustainability
Dalberg, Unilever and IDH agreed to make emerging entrepreneurs part of the supply chain of Unilever. Under this new partnership, the parties will directly build the capacity of agricultural small and…
Online Skill Development tool launched for GIF Field Facilitators in India
IDH and Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) have launched an online skill development tool for Field Facilitators (FF) engaged with Better Cotton Growth and Innovation Fund (GIF) programs in India. Led…
Three standards sign on voluntary basis environmental criteria
On voluntary basis, the first 3 standards have signed a policy agreement that will help to reduce environmental impact in the flowers sector. The Floriculture Sustainability Initiative (part of IDH…
A new milestone for the IDH Mozambique Climate Resilience Program
On 23 May 2019, IDH achieved a new milestone in its partnership with Olam Mozambique, as both parties signed an MoU with the Lalaua District Administration to expand the IDH…
Uganda’s next step toward becoming a leader in quality vanilla
This week, in a big win for the Uganda vanilla sector, the Minister of State for Agriculture made a declaration of harvest dates for vanilla, starting on June 15th for…
IDH launches reports to identify partnership opportunities to scale positive impact in the cotton sector in Maharashtra
IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative launched its reports – ‘Towards Doubling Cotton Farmer Incomes‘ and ‘Business Case for Gender Mainstreaming in Cotton’ on May 9, 2019 in Mumbai,…
New app to help farmers in Vietnam improve pesticide use
IDH and the Department of Plant Protection (DPP) of Vietnam have launched a national mobile app to help farmers improve their pesticide use. This will increase…
Barra do Garças define visão em comum pela produção inclusiva e sustentável
Sociedade civil, terceiro setor e Município assinaram carta de intenções aderindo à Estratégia Estadual Preservar, Conservar e Incluir (PCI) Barra do Garças, a…
Iniciativa privada e terceiro setor formalizaram adesão à Estratégia Estadual PCI Maior produtor individual de grãos do mundo, Sorriso, a 398 km ao norte de Cuiabá, deu os…
Workshop reúne Instituições de pesquisa, setor púbico, setor privado e sociedade civil para discutir desafios no Reordenamento Territorial de Paragominas – PA.
No dia 22 de Março de 2019, a Prefeitura de Paragominas realizou o Workshop “Reordenamento do uso da terra em Paragominas”, com os objetivos de compartilhar…
Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso e Banco Mundial negociam acordo, onde Instituto PCI tem papel fundamental
O governador Mauro Mendes encaminhou no mês de Março um projeto de lei para a Assembleia Legislativa solicitando autorização para a contratação de um empréstimo junto ao Banco Mundial, estimado…