Gathers key organizations that provide technical advice on the way the Roadmap on Living Wages and its tools are developed.
Anne van Lakerveld
Living Wage Coordinator
Fair Wear Foundation
Christopher Lamoureux
Manager of Policy and Stakeholder Engagement
Social Accountability International (SAI)
Franzis Wimmer
Senior Coordinator - Stakeholder Engagement
Karen Bouwsma
Policy Officer, Fairtrade Netherlands
Mariana Casillas
Smeta Technical Manager
Michelle Murray
CEO, Living Wage For US
Roos Vergeldt
Impact Consultant
Shaheen Hashmat
Senior Project Manager – Global Living Wage, Living Wage Foundation
Wilbert Flinterman
Senior Advisor, Workers’ Rights and Trade Union Relations
Fair Trade International
Ronald Sanabria
Sr Program Manager
Jayne Hulsebosch
Senior Officer Assurance Indicators, Rainforest Alliance
Cheng Boon Ong
Decent Work Programme, Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)
Catalina Nunez
Director, Strategic Coordination Unit, Fair Trade USA
Annabel Mulder
Human rights program manager
The organizations represented in this group support IDH in specific pieces of the Roadmap on Living Wages but that does not imply a general endorsement of everything the organization or this initiative do.