Tagged with "Value chain development"

  • Podcast: Value Chain Development in Africa

    In this month’s podcast we hear from Kebba Colley, Director Inclusive Business Development at IDH. Kebba works on Agricultural Value Chain Development in Africa, both with African SMEs and global…

    Podcast: Value Chain Development in Africa
  • 1st IDH Value Chain Development project officially started

    Boosting Rwanda’s horticulture output with Dutch supported project HortInvest Together with our partners, we officially launched the HortInvest project in Rwanda. The project will professionalize the horticulture sector, improve food…

    1st IDH Value Chain Development project officially started
  • Value Chain Development in Africa

    IDH works with private sector companies (both from Europe and Africa) to support the agriculture value chain development in the African continent. This to developing business in Africa, creating jobs…

    Value Chain Development in Africa
  • Developing Rwandan horticulture by linking local producers to global market

    With the HortInvest project, IDH joined a consortium of multiple organizations and private sector companies to further develop the horticulture sector in Rwanda. As the demand for high value crops…

    Developing Rwandan horticulture by linking local producers to global market