Tagged with "Landscapes"

  • Barra do Garças se destaca como modelo de desenvolvimento sustentável

    A Revista Globo Rural, um dos mais importantes veículos de comunicação sobre temas agropecuários e rurais, publicou no mês de novembro, um artigo especial que destaca o potencial de desenvolvimento…

    Barra do Garças se destaca como modelo de desenvolvimento sustentável
  • Parceiros e equipe da IDH celebram resultados do ano e planejam atividades para 2021

    A equipe da IDH Brasil e os parceiros envolvidos diretamente na implementação de Pactos e programas de cofinanciamentos dedicaram um dia para atualizações sobre os trabalhos desenvolvidos, o…

    Parceiros e equipe da IDH celebram resultados do ano e planejam atividades para 2021
  • Unilever joins IDH coalition in backing Aceh Tamiang district (Indonesia) in its bid to become a sustainability leader

    Unilever and IDH have committed a combined investment of over 1.5 million euros to support the district of Aceh Tamiang in its goal to become one of the greenest commodity-producing regions in Indonesia. Last year, stakeholders from Aceh Tamiang established a production, protection and inclusion (PPI) compact. The compact’s three-year program will increase forest protection and reforestation, improve monitoring, support smallholder farmers to increase its sustainable palm oil productivity by 30 percent, and finally to protect an area within the Leuser Ecosystem.

    Unilever joins IDH coalition in backing Aceh Tamiang district (Indonesia) in its bid to become a sustainability leader
  • Unilever joins IDH coalition in backing Aceh Tamiang in its bid to become a sustainability leader

    Unilever and IDH have committed a combined investment of over 1.5 million euros to support the district of Aceh Tamiang in its goal to become one of the greenest commodity-producing regions in Indonesia. Last year, stakeholders from Aceh Tamiang established a production, protection and inclusion (PPI) compact. The compact’s three-year program will increase forest protection and reforestation, improve monitoring, support smallholder farmers to increase its sustainable palm oil productivity by 30 percent, and finally to protect an area within the Leuser Ecosystem.

    Unilever joins IDH coalition in backing Aceh Tamiang in its bid to become a sustainability leader
  • IDH, FAPCEN and over 50 partners launch new Compact for sustainable development in Brazilian Cerrado

    A public-private coalition of over 50 partners has signed an agreement to collectively manage long-term sustainable development in the region of Balsas (Maranhão), in Matopiba, Brazil’s biggest agricultural frontier. The coalition has committed to actions to end illegal deforestation in the region by 2025 and to transition to sustainable methods of agricultural production.

    IDH, FAPCEN and over 50 partners launch new Compact for sustainable development in Brazilian Cerrado
  • IDH, FAPCEN e mais de 50 parceiros lançam Pacto para desenvolvimento sustentável no Maranhão

    Doze municípios que compõem a Região de Balsas, no estado do Maranhão, contarão, a partir de agora, com uma estratégia para o desenvolvimento territorial sustentável de longo prazo, construída colaborativamente…

    IDH, FAPCEN e mais de 50 parceiros lançam Pacto para desenvolvimento sustentável no Maranhão
  • MoU Pacto PCI de Balsas e Região

    Memorando de Entendimento para o Pacto PCI Região de Balsas entre a IDH e a FAPCEN (Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Corredor de Exportação Norte), incluindo as metas…

    MoU Pacto PCI de Balsas e Região
  • MoU Balsas PPI Compact_eng

    Memorandum of Understanding for the Balsas Region PCI Compact by and between IDH and FAPCEN – North Export Corridor Research Support Foundation, including the Production,Conservation and Inclusion targets.

    MoU Balsas PPI Compact_eng
  • Acrimat and IDH announce Sustainable Production of Calves Program in the Pantanal in the state of Mato Grosso

    Calf ranchers based on the Pantanal biome in Mato Grosso can count on a special technical assistance program, which seeks sustainability, the inclusion of small-scale ranchers and the conservation of…

    Acrimat and IDH announce Sustainable Production of Calves Program in the Pantanal in the state of Mato Grosso
  • High adherence from different industries to the PCI Compact in the region of Balsas enables the consolidation of a single vision on territorial development

    Workshops with a broad representation of stakeholders from the private sector and civil society took place on 8 and 9 October, online, for the presentation and discussion of qualitative targets…

    High adherence from different industries to the PCI Compact in the region of Balsas enables the consolidation of a single vision on territorial development