Tagged with "Highlight"

  • IDH and the World Bank join forces for sustainable coffee production in the Central Highlands of Vietnam

    The Vietnam Sustainable Agriculture Transformation Project (VNSAT) functions as a strategic partnership between IDH – the Sustainable Trade Initiative and the World Bank, with a non-binding cooperation agreement first…

    IDH and the World Bank join forces for sustainable coffee production in the Central Highlands of Vietnam
  • Now is the time to rebuild and strengthen sustainable trade

    Impact is the ongoing mantra for IDH, and 2019 was no exception. We’ve continued to leverage the power of the private sector making progress on the Sustainable Development Goals and…

    Now is the time to rebuild and strengthen sustainable trade
  • Empowering all supply chain actors to self-assess living wage gaps

    Introducing Salary Matrix V.2 IDH has published an improved version of its Salary Matrix tool with a suite of updates that now enables companies across every sector to measure worker…

    Empowering all supply chain actors to self-assess living wage gaps
  • Podcast: Do not forget Africa in this crisis (in Dutch)

    Nederland mag in deze coronacrisis Afrika niet vergeten, zeggen drie Afrika-deskundigen in de podcast Betrouwbare Bronnen. Jaap Jansen praat met drie gasten over het continent waar we niet…

    Podcast: Do not forget Africa in this crisis (in Dutch)
  • Investing in Africa

    Major companies say it is time for a new chapter in sustainable trade for Africa. In a letter published today in Het Financieele Dagblad (Dutch newspaper,…

    Investing in Africa
  • 180,000 smallholder farmers provided income security through COVID-19 insurance

    IDH has facilitated and funded COVID-19 insurance to provide income security for 180,000 smallholder cotton and tea farmers in India. The insurance cover will provide a one-time lump sum pay-out…

    180,000 smallholder farmers provided income security through COVID-19 insurance
  • Redoubling the efforts for a sustainable soy industry

    Our latest European Soy Monitor demonstrates the beginning of progress. Looking at soybean meal consumption in 2018 in Europe, 38% is FEFAC SSG compliant and 19% deforestation-free, the start of…

    Redoubling the efforts for a sustainable soy industry
  • State of Huila (Colombia) signs partnership with IDH to implement Production, Protection and Inclusion strategy

    The Governor of the State of Huila (Colombia), Luis Enrique Dussan, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 27 May 2020 with Program Director for Global Landscapes at IDH - the Sustainable Trade Initiative, Daan Wensing, at an online ceremony to formalize their commitment to implement a territorial development strategy based on the principles of production, protection and inclusion (PPI).

    State of Huila (Colombia) signs partnership with IDH to implement Production, Protection and Inclusion strategy
  • Podcast: Digital finance solutions for agricultural supply chains during COVID-19

    In this podcast we will explore digital finance solutions for agricultural supply chains in the current COVID-19 crisis. IDH Farmfit’s Kaushik Ramakrishnan is joined by Ad Rietberg and Faith Mulwa…

    Podcast: Digital finance solutions for agricultural supply chains during COVID-19
  • Helping apparel factories to produce personal protective equipment

    Guidance to produce PPE New free platform to list all equipment Connect with suppliers & buyers Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as facial masks, gloves, and gowns, is…

    Helping apparel factories to produce personal protective equipment