Tagged with "Highlight"

  • Cocoa agroforestry – a win-win production activity for resilient food systems

    Cocoa agroforestry – a win-win production activity for resilient food systems
  • Payments for Environmental Services

    Payments for Environmental Services
  • The Sustainable Palm Oil Dialogue (SPOD) 2021

    European Action for Global Impact In the face of environmental and social issues related to palm oil, cooperation will be the game changer. IDH, EPOA and our sponsors…

    The Sustainable Palm Oil Dialogue (SPOD) 2021
  • Why we are reviving lowland rice production in Liberia – Silas Siakor

    Lofa, where we work in Foya, used to be regarded as the breadbasket for Liberia. They used to produce large volumes of rice, year in year out, and everybody knew them for the volume of rice coming out of that region. The lowlands were developed with canals, dams, everything needed to store water throughout the year. They were able to farm and harvest three times a year. However, after forty years of civil war, total disrepair and lack of maintenance, those dams could no longer function properly and the canals were all closing up.

    Why we are reviving lowland rice production in Liberia – Silas Siakor
  • Reducing the cattle deforestation risk in the Brazilian Amazon

    A couple of weeks ago my Brazilian colleague Daniella Mariuzzo ventured out to a supermarket for the first time in 18 months. With a mixture of trepidation and elation she left the safety of her family bubble to purchase one of the first packs of verified 100% deforestation-free Brazilian Beef from a Carrefour store in Sao Paulo. It was a big moment for both the Brazilian cattle sector and for all of us who want to stop illegal deforestation in the Amazon.

    Reducing the cattle deforestation risk in the Brazilian Amazon
  • Partnership agrees to stop deforestation and improve food production in Foya, Liberia

    Local farmers, landowning communities, county officials, investors and nongovernmental organizations are implementing an agreement to combat climate change, tackle deforestation, improve food security, and strengthen land tenure and governance in Foya District, Lofa County, Liberia – all at the same time.

    Partnership agrees to stop deforestation and improve food production in Foya, Liberia
  • Regenerative Agriculture is the key to our future

    It increases soil carbon, biodiversity and climate resilience. It improves water quality, regenerates the land and provides good livelihoods for farmers. Regenerative agriculture has many traits that link it back…

    Regenerative Agriculture is the key to our future
  • Statement from Daan Wensing, CEO IDH, on the recently released IPCC Report

    “Yesterday the latest global IPCC report was presented. If ever there was clear evidence of man-made climate change, this report presents it. I was personally touched by it,…

    Statement from Daan Wensing, CEO IDH, on the recently released IPCC Report
  • Carrefour Brazil Group and IDH Brazil achieve the “impossible”: 100% traceable beef

    The Carrefour Group Brazil, the Carrefour Foundation and IDH - The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) announced that the first batch of 100% deforestation-free beef traced from birth to shelf is now available in Brazil at an affordable price. Consumers will be able to access information through a QR Code stamped on the product's label.

    Carrefour Brazil Group and IDH Brazil achieve the “impossible”: 100% traceable beef
  • Private sector priorities at the UN Food Systems Pre-Summit

    At IDH – the Sustainable Trade Initiative, we bring all the parties in a value chain – public, private, but also civil society and knowledge institutions – to find the solutions together because we know that with incremental change we won’t get there.  

    Private sector priorities at the UN Food Systems Pre-Summit