Tagged with "Ghana"

  • 12 cocoa companies commit to halting deforestation

    On March 16 2017 the twelve largest global chocolate and cocoa companies committed to develop cooperative, multi-stakeholder frameworks to help address deforestation and forest degradation in their cocoa supply chains…

    12 cocoa companies commit to halting deforestation
  • Huffington Post blog about Cocoa & Forest Initiative

    IDH, the World Cocoa Foundation (WCF) and The Prince’s International Sustainability Unit (ISU) convened the Cocoa & Forest Initiative and launched it at a meeting hosted by HRH The Prince…

    Huffington Post blog about Cocoa & Forest Initiative
  • Cocoa & Forests Initiative

    A common vision and joint framework of action in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana eliminating deforestation from the cocoa supply chain

    Cocoa & Forests Initiative
  • Sustainable Nuts Initiative

    The Sustainable Nut Initiative aims to stimulate traceability and sustainability in the nut sector.

    Sustainable Nuts Initiative
  • Service delivery in the Ecom model in Ghana

    “Whites don’t cheat” was one of the remarks given by a cocoa farmer, when asked why he would sell to Ecom. This initially shocking remark was later revealed as an…

    Service delivery in the Ecom model in Ghana