Tagged with "Deforestation"

  • Turning Europe’s good intentions into effective action to stop deforestation

    It is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions and the same is true when it comes to international efforts to halt deforestation. This week, the IPCC released its Sixth Assessment Report, once again highlighting the key role of forest protection in mitigating climate change and adapting to its impacts. Despite decades of such advice and well-meaning policy, we’re still losing our remaining forests at an alarming rate.

    Turning Europe’s good intentions into effective action to stop deforestation
  • “Trees Bring Oxygen, Shade and Rain”

    In Côte d’Ivoire, traditional cocoa farming involved cutting down trees to increase sunlight. This not only accelerates climate change, but also negatively impacts cocoa yields. Shade management is better for cocoa tree life expectancy, quality of beans and soil health. A highly biodiverse cocoa farm has been shown to be drought, disease, and pest resilient.

    “Trees Bring Oxygen, Shade and Rain”
  • EU regulation on deforestation-free products

    The EU zero deforestation legislation is crucial. However, if Europe ‘cleans’ its imports, deforestation-risk commodities could be diverted to other parts of the world. IDH and Proforest have come up with two big steps that could be taken. The first is to classify those jurisdictions that have time-bound, speedy and credible plans to get zero-deforestation as ‘transitional risk’ and for European governments and consumer goods companies to offer support to achieve their goals. Secondly, we suggest that the information collection requirements should be varied depending on the level of risk of the country or jurisdiction: lighten the information collection burden for low-risk jurisdictions, and require more granular data for high-risk hotspots.

    EU regulation on deforestation-free products
  • Learning from Landscapes

    Landscape approaches and their impact Evaluating IDH efforts in creating cohesive conservation Following five years of IDH’s Landscape Program, KIT Royal Tropical Institute and Unique Land Use carried…

    Learning from Landscapes
  • Three changes needed to pull off COP26 forest and land use pledges

    Forests did go to the COP26 ball. They grabbed more attention at the annual U.N. climate conference than ever, with new funding and a commitment “to…

    Three changes needed to pull off COP26 forest and land use pledges
  • COP26 Nature Day – a reason for cautious optimism and renewed commitment to smallholder support

    Working towards a living income for smallholder farmers is critical to halting and reversing global deforestation. IDH has been convening a group of senior stakeholders to discuss this topic as…

    COP26 Nature Day – a reason for cautious optimism and renewed commitment to smallholder support
  • Reducing the cattle deforestation risk in the Brazilian Amazon

    A couple of weeks ago my Brazilian colleague Daniella Mariuzzo ventured out to a supermarket for the first time in 18 months. With a mixture of trepidation and elation she left the safety of her family bubble to purchase one of the first packs of verified 100% deforestation-free Brazilian Beef from a Carrefour store in Sao Paulo. It was a big moment for both the Brazilian cattle sector and for all of us who want to stop illegal deforestation in the Amazon.

    Reducing the cattle deforestation risk in the Brazilian Amazon
  • Carrefour Brazil Group and IDH Brazil achieve the “impossible”: 100% traceable beef

    The Carrefour Group Brazil, the Carrefour Foundation and IDH - The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) announced that the first batch of 100% deforestation-free beef traced from birth to shelf is now available in Brazil at an affordable price. Consumers will be able to access information through a QR Code stamped on the product's label.

    Carrefour Brazil Group and IDH Brazil achieve the “impossible”: 100% traceable beef
  • Blended finance has the potential to address the climate financing gap – But the current grant-capital-return mix is standing in the way

    Green finance is finally having its moment. $491 billion in sustainable bonds were issued in 2020, a jump from $200 billion in 2018, as reported by…

    Blended finance has the potential to address the climate financing gap – But the current grant-capital-return mix is standing in the way
  • COP26: support smallholders for forests, agriculture and commodity trade 

    IDH is convening a COP26 working group on supporting smallholders, local communities and indigenous peoples within agricultural commodity supply chains. 

    COP26: support smallholders for forests, agriculture and commodity trade