Interlinkages between ARS-1000 and EU Deforestation Regulation – An Explainer
The ARS-1000 regional standard on sustainable cocoa (‘ARS-1000’) and the EU Deforestation Regulation (‘EUDR’) are both set out to guide value chain actors in the cocoa sector towards sustainable, deforestation-free…
How Landscape Approaches Can Tackle Deforestation and Shape the Future of Sustainable Supply Chains: The Case of the Cocoa Sector
In December 2022, the European Parliament reached a preliminary deal with EU governments on a new law on deforestation-free products. While this news received a positive media coverage in…
Busting myths to reveal the reality around living incomes
For many farmers around the world, hard work does not necessarily result in a decent income. Volatile prices, the effects of climate change, rising production costs – all eat into…