Tagged with "Benin"

  • Cashew farming in Africa – from backyard hobby to bankable business

    SDM analytics help to increase bankability of cashew farmers in Africa. Over the past five years, IDH, in partnership with ComCashew, have supported the development of smallholder cashew farmers in…

    Cashew farming in Africa – from backyard hobby to bankable business
  • IDH and MVO Nederland join forces at New Years Event

    Despite the stormy weather in the Netherlands over 450 people attended the MVO NL New Years Event, where IDH held two workshops, with a key note by Volkert Engelsman, CEO…

    IDH and MVO Nederland join forces at New Years Event
  • IDH participa do lançamento da Aliança TFA 2020 Colômbia

    No último dia 28, a IDH – Iniciativa para Comércio Sustentável esteve em Bogotá, na Colômbia, para acompanhar o lançamento oficial da primeira plataforma nacional TFA (Tropical Forest Alliance) 2020…

    IDH participa do lançamento da Aliança TFA 2020 Colômbia
  • Sustainable Nuts Initiative

    The Sustainable Nut Initiative aims to stimulate traceability and sustainability in the nut sector.

    Sustainable Nuts Initiative