Stichting TA AGRI3

Name of the organization:

The official name is of the legal entity is Stichting TA AGRI3. The Stichting TA AGRI3 is also known as the AGRI3 TA Foundation.

RSIN (Legal Entities and Partnerships Information Number): 861381567
Tax number: 8613.81.567
KVK number: 78410053
Contact details

The official seat of the Stichting TA AGRI3 is located at Arthur van Schendelstraat 500 in Utrecht (3511MH), the Netherlands. For direct contact, please send an email to with in the subject heading AGRI3.


Description of the objectives

The objectives of the Stichting are (i) the promotion of forest protection, sustainable agriculture and improved rural livelihoods in countries and regions where the AGRI3 Fund is considering or managing investments and (ii) the provision of technical assistance to reduce any risk and to maximize the impact of the Fund, including but not limited to accelerating pipeline development, post investment support to investment projects, project impact studies and monitoring, and all matters related or conducive to the above, with the objects to be given their most expansive possible interpretation.

The objects of the Stichting do explicitly not contain the making of profit and/or the taking care of commercial interest.


Main points of the policy plan

Stichting TA AGRI3 plans to achieve its objectives by managing its technical assistance resources, entering into contracts with implementing partners, consultants and other parties in respect of the coordination, oversight and management of technical assistance projects for the Fund, obtaining additional grant funding (subsidies) for activities of the AGRI3 TA Facility and its objectives; and providing loans to local borrowers in countries and regions where the Fund is considering or managing investments.

The Stichting does not implement projects and activities, and has contracted IDH the Sustainable Trade Initiative as manager of the AGRI3 Technical Assistance Facility, for which it has received a Grant from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. IDH the Sustainable Trade Initiative also holds the secretariat of the Stichting.

IDH AGRI3 TAF team reports to the Board of the Stichting TA AGRI3.


The Directors

The Stichting TA AGRI3 is managed by its executive board consisting of three board members: Bob Assenberg, Matthew Dominic Spencer and Carolijn Marieke Josee Gommans.

The remuneration policy (incl. the remuneration policy for staff and management)

Board members, apart from non-excessive reimbursements of the costs made by them in connection with their duties, do not receive any remuneration. The reimbursements paid to the board members, will be made visible and will be clarified in the annual accounts. The Stichting TA AGRI3 does not employ staff.

IDH The Sustainable Trade Initiative is a not for profit organization.  The organization complies with the formal policy of the rules of the WNT (“Beleidsregel toepassing WNT”) and uses this Policy as a guideline in its financial statements.


Current report of the activities carried out

The Stichting TA AGRI3 is operational, and has contracted IDH The Sustainable Trade Initiative as manager of the AGRI3 Technical Assistance Facility, and approved the workplan and budget.

Activities of the AGRI3 Technical Assistance Facility will regularly be posted on the IDH website.


Financial statement

The most recent Annual Financial Statements of Stichting TA AGRI3 will be published here once available.

2021 Stichting TA AGRI3 – Auditors report

2022 Stichting TA AGRI3 – Auditors report

2023 Stichting TA AGRI3 – Auditors report