Highlighted publications

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  • Annual Report 2017

    2017 was the second year of implementation of our 2016-2020 strategic plan, aiming at innovative scalable solutions for sustainable trade to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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    Annual Report 2017
  • Driving Innovations in Smallholder Engagement

    This report presents findings and best practices from our innovating partners; empowering farmers through service delivery, while generating sustainable returns to their businesses.

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    Driving Innovations in Smallholder Engagement
  • Gender Toolkit and Guide

    Gender is a key impact theme in IDH’s 2016-2020 Strategic Plan, in which we set out to embed gender equality into our transformation strategy. We developed the Gender Toolkit, a resource that aims to raise awareness, encourage, and inspire to integrate gender aspects into supply chain approaches.

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    Gender Toolkit and Guide


  • Initiative cacao et forêts – Progress update, Côte d’Ivoire

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    Initiative cacao et forêts – Progress update, Côte d’Ivoire
  • Cocoa & Forests Initiative – Progress update Côte d’Ivoire

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    Cocoa & Forests Initiative – Progress update Côte d’Ivoire
  • Summary Report Deforestation and Cocoa Event 14 June 2019

    On June 14th 2019, IDH, the Rainforest Alliance, and Tropenbos International, hosted a multi-stakeholder meeting in Utrecht. The event gathered over 50 participants representing producing and consuming country governments, the…

    Summary Report Deforestation and Cocoa Event 14 June 2019
  • SDM Case Study: ECOM, Indonesia

    In Sumatra, Indonesia, ECOM sources Robusta and Arabica coffee as well as cocoa from smallholder farmers. Different levels of service delivery have been implemented with the objective of increasing the…

    SDM Case Study: ECOM, Indonesia
  • Annual Report 2018: In-depth report

    The in-depth chapters of the Annual Report 2018 which includes all sector and landscape chapters. Download publication Download publication…

    Annual Report 2018: In-depth report
  • Barra do Garças PCI Compact – MoU

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    Barra do Garças PCI Compact – MoU
  • Aquaculture Program in Haiti

    Haiti is the most food insecure country in the Western hemisphere. 38% of the Haitian population fall below the recommended minimum daily food intake of 2,240 Kcal per day. Dietary…

    Aquaculture Program in Haiti
  • Aquaculture Program in Mozambique

    Mozambique is rich in natural resources, yet it remains one of the poorest countries in the world with more than 60% of the population living below the poverty line. Almost…

    Aquaculture Program in Mozambique
  • 2-pager Cocoa Nutrition Initiative

    In this 2-pager you read about the Cocoa Nutrition Initiative of the IDH Cocoa Learning and Innovation Program (CLIP). It includes the 2020 vision, focus areas, and timeline.

    2-pager Cocoa Nutrition Initiative
  • IDH Tech Learning Agenda

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    IDH Tech Learning Agenda
  • The urgency for action against deforestation

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    The urgency for action against deforestation
  • IDH 2018 Annual Report: New, inclusive business models for shared value

    The results are in! 2018 was an inspiring year for IDH and partners. Challenges in sustainable production and trade are still immense, but together with our partners…

    IDH 2018 Annual Report: New, inclusive business models for shared value
  • Brewing up climate resilience in the coffee sector

    This resource provides clarity, on the most pressing challenges related to changing climate in coffee. It highlights opportunities through examples of successful interventions, and catalyzes investments, by connecting coffee industry…

    Brewing up climate resilience in the coffee sector
  • The data speaks

    Our forests hold the key to addressing the climate emergency while driving sustainable economic development for millions of people around the world. And yet, despite pledges to…

    The data speaks
  • Farmer Field Book Analysis ISLA Programme Vietnam 2016/17

    The companies Acom, Louis Dreyfus Commodities, Olam Vietnam Ltd and Simexco are partners in the ISLA landscape programme in Vietnam. With co-funding from ISLA, JDE Coffee and Lavazza, these companies…

    Farmer Field Book Analysis ISLA Programme Vietnam 2016/17