Terms of Reference: Endline Evaluation for Improving Income and Nutrition of Smallholder Tea Farmers in Southern Tanzania

IDH is looking for a consultant to undertake the endline evaluation for the project aimed at improving income and nutrition of smallholder tea farmers in Southern Tanzania

Stichting IDH (“IDH”) accelerates and up-scales sustainable trade by building impact-oriented coalitions of front running companies, civil society, governments, knowledge institutions and other stakeholders in several commodity sectors. We convene the interests, strengths and knowledge of public and private partners in sustainability commodity programs that aim to mainstream international and domestic commodity markets. We jointly formulate strategic intervention plans with public and private partners, and we co-invest with partners in activities that generate public goods.

IDH and other parties (the “consortium partners”) are implementing the Agricon Boresha Chai Project (the “Project”) which focuses on improving income, livelihoods and nutrition of tea smallholder farmers in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. The Agricon Boresha Chai fosters sustainable livelihoods, nutrition, and gender equality among tea farming families in Southern Tanzania. Funded by the European Union, the project promotes the inclusiveness, productivity, competitiveness, and resilience of smallholder tea farming.

Please consult the Terms of Reference for more details on the assignment. The proposal must be submitted to Michael Joseph at joseph@idhtrade.org and Elikunda Tenga at tenga@idhtrade.org before 31st July 2024 at 5 p.m. CEST.

Find the full ToR here: Terms of Reference

Annex 1: Template Question Form

Annex 2: Budget template

Annex 3: Statement of acceptance

Annex 4: Letter of Assignment template

Annex 5: IDH General Terms and Conditions for Services

Annex 6: Diagrammatic representation of the Intervention logic