Calculate living wage gaps with the IDH Salary Matrix tool
The IDH Salary Matrix is a tool to help you calculate your living wage gaps. By comparing the total remuneration of your workers to the relevant living wage benchmarks for your region, the tool supports supply chain efforts on wage transparency and shared responsibility for addressing living wage gaps.
Before creating a Salary Matrix for the first time, we highly recommend that you visit the Salary Matrix E-Learning Site and review the Frequently Asked Questions.
Haga clic aquí para información en español
El sitio de aprendizaje electrónico de la Matriz Salarial
Watch the video to learn more about the IDH Salary Matrix

Being a producer in a number of countries, Fyffes calculates the current total remuneration of employees including bonuses and the value provided by in-kind benefits with the Salary Matrix. This allows us to use a single harmonized tool to easily identify gaps, if any. We can use this information to find solutions in collaboration with all our internal and external stakeholders.