
  • Seeds of Prosperity

     The Seeds of Prosperity programme aims, through commodity supply chains, to improve tea sector workers’ diets and hygiene practices. A successful pilot has reached 2,600 farmers…

    Seeds of Prosperity
  • Malawi Tea 2020 Annual Progress Report (October 2016)

    The signing of the Malawi Tea 2020 MoU in June 2015 and the launch of the tea industry revitalization Roadmap in September 2015 signaled the beginning of…

    Malawi Tea 2020 Annual Progress Report (October 2016)
  • Malawi Tea 2020 Wages Committee progress report 2016

    This progress report provides an update to October 2016 of a living wage for rural southern Malawi, tea sector prevailing wages, and alternative measures of wages and…

    Malawi Tea 2020 Wages Committee progress report 2016
  • Soy footprint of animal products in Europe

    This document provides an overview of the estimated country specific soy footprint of animal products: pig meat, poultry meat, eggs and dairy milk (including derived products) in Europe between 2012…

    Soy footprint of animal products in Europe
  • National Coffee Platforms: Public / Private Alignment for a Sustainable Coffee Sector

    Strengthening the farmer’s voice in coffee producing countries through public / private dialogue and national representation. Just a few short years ago, the coffee sector lacked a clear collective developmental vision.

    National Coffee Platforms: Public / Private Alignment for a Sustainable Coffee Sector
  • Service Delivery Models: Insights for continuous improvement and farm impact

    The insights from this report: Service Delivery Models- Insights for continuous improvement and farm impact, signify a key milestone on the journey to create cost-effective and scalable solutions, that allow smallholders to grow…

    Service Delivery Models: Insights for continuous improvement and farm impact
  • TEAM UP India Report

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    TEAM UP India Report
  • Sample verification report

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    Sample verification report
  • Assessment criteria for verification

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    Assessment criteria for verification
  • TWG Mill verification methodology report

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    TWG Mill verification methodology report