Farmer Field Book Analysis ISLA Programme Vietnam 2016/17 to 2018/19
Vietnamese For three years, 300 coffee farmers in the Central Highlands of Vietnam have kept records of their daily coffee farming activities. The insights distilled…
Working across key cotton geographies, IDH Cotton programs – Better Cotton Growth and Innovation Fund (GIF), Mozambique Climate Resilience Project, and Maharashtra Cotton Water Platform — address…
Business case for gender mainstreaming in cotton in Maharashtra
Women play a critical role in cotton cultivation. To assess their potential, IDH commissioned ‘Business case for gender mainstreaming in cotton in Maharashtra’ report, which presents…
Towards Doubling Cotton Farmer Incomes in Maharashtra
The report — ‘Towards Doubling Cotton Farmer Incomes in Maharashtra’ — outlines a strategy towards doubling net household income of Indian farmers. Research is focused on…
22% of soy used in Europe is compliant with the FEFAC Soy Sourcing Guidelines and 13% is deforestation-free. With the release of the European Soy Monitor,…
Report: Farmer and Local trader-led service delivery models
IDH developed a data driven methodology to analyze service models and improve the quality of our investments. We wanted to better understand the conditions that make services to smallholder farmers…
Palm oil plays a big part in our day-to-day lives, and the demand for the world’s most versatile vegetable oil is showing an increase for years already,…