
  • Mozambique Climate Resilience Program – Annual Report 2019

    The impacts of climate change and extreme weather events (droughts, floods, and cyclones) can affect entire harvests for the average smallholder cotton farmer, thus their source of…

    Mozambique Climate Resilience Program – Annual Report 2019
  • White Paper: Learning Launch Pad 2019

    The Learning Launch Pad helps agribusinesses to solve specific technology challenges. In this first Learning Launch Pad IDH brought together 6 experts that helped SpiceUp re-invent their business…

    White Paper: Learning Launch Pad 2019
  • 10 years of partnership between IDH and BCI

      2019 marks a milestone for IDH and the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) as the organizations celebrate a decade of working in partnership…

    10 years of partnership between IDH and BCI
  • Better Cotton Growth & Innovation Fund – Annual Report 2018-19

    In the 2018-19 cotton season, the GIF worked with 1.3 million* cotton farmers in India, Pakistan, China, Mozambique, Turkey, and Tajikistan, who received training and…

    Better Cotton Growth & Innovation Fund – Annual Report 2018-19
  • Coffee production in the face of climate change: Country profiles

    In this document you will read about the country specific strategies for coffee production in the face of climate change. If you are interested in the general adaptation strategies document…

    Coffee production in the face of climate change: Country profiles
  • Assessing IDH’s contribution to public good impacts at scale (2016-2020)

    IDH proudly presents the midterm evaluation of its contribution to public good impact at scale throughout its portfolio. The evaluation was performed by KPMG and validated by…

    Assessing IDH’s contribution to public good impacts at scale (2016-2020)
  • Summary Report Deforestation and Cocoa Event 14 June 2019

    On June 14th 2019, IDH, the Rainforest Alliance, and Tropenbos International, hosted a multi-stakeholder meeting in Utrecht. The event gathered over 50 participants representing producing and consuming country governments, the…

    Summary Report Deforestation and Cocoa Event 14 June 2019
  • Annual Report 2018: In-depth report

    The in-depth chapters of the Annual Report 2018 which includes all sector and landscape chapters. Download publication Download publication…

    Annual Report 2018: In-depth report
  • The urgency for action against deforestation

    Download publication Download publication…

    The urgency for action against deforestation
  • Brewing up climate resilience in the coffee sector

    This resource provides clarity, on the most pressing challenges related to changing climate in coffee. It highlights opportunities through examples of successful interventions, and catalyzes investments, by connecting coffee industry…

    Brewing up climate resilience in the coffee sector