
  • SSI Position Paper on Child Labor

    The SSI Child Labor Working has worked on a strategy on child labor and is delighted to publish a position paper on Child Labor. SSI members commit to…

    SSI Position Paper on Child Labor
  • Sommet sur le Revenu Vital Declaration 14 Juin 2022, Amsterdam

    Nous, participants au sommet sur le revenu vital, parties prenantes des secteurs publics et privés, producteurs et organisations de producteurs, ONG, financiers, représentants du monde académique, acteurs des pays producteurs…

    Sommet sur le Revenu Vital Declaration 14 Juin 2022, Amsterdam
  • IMVO Sierteeltsector – Code of Conduct (Dutch)

    A starting point for a due diligence process One of the core objectives in the IRBC agreement for the floricultural sector (Dutch: IMVO Convenant Sierteeltsector) is that companies implement a…

    IMVO Sierteeltsector – Code of Conduct (Dutch)
  • Memorandum of Understanding EU Cocoa Platforms

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    Memorandum of Understanding EU Cocoa Platforms
  • MoU Pacto PCI de Balsas e Região

    Memorando de Entendimento para o Pacto PCI Região de Balsas entre a IDH e a FAPCEN (Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Corredor de Exportação Norte), incluindo as metas…

    MoU Pacto PCI de Balsas e Região
  • MoU Balsas PPI Compact_eng

    Memorandum of Understanding for the Balsas Region PCI Compact by and between IDH and FAPCEN – North Export Corridor Research Support Foundation, including the Production,Conservation and Inclusion targets.

    MoU Balsas PPI Compact_eng
  • MoU European Initiatives on Sustainable Cocoa

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    MoU European Initiatives on Sustainable Cocoa
  • Dutch Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa (DISCO) declaration

    DISCO Declaration

    Dutch Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa (DISCO) declaration
  • IRBC Agreement Floriculture Sector (English)

    The Dutch Floriculture Sector has joined forces with the Dutch government, a trade union and an NGO to agree on a more responsible approach to international production and…

    IRBC Agreement Floriculture Sector (English)
  • IMVO Convenant Sierteelt Sector

    De Nederlandse sierteeltsector heeft samen met de overheid, een vakbond en een NGO, afspraken gemaakt over meer verantwoorde internationale productie en handel van siergewassen. Dit is vastgelegd…

    IMVO Convenant Sierteelt Sector