With support from IDH, two members of the Sustainable Juice Covenant (SJC), Refresco and Eckes-Granini, have kicked off a blockchain-based traceability platform called “JuicyChain”. The objective is to improve transparency across the juice supply chain, accelerate the uptake of sustainable juice volumes and support customer and consumer-facing communication.
“Collaboration is key across the supply chain” says Minna Lyijynen, Group Manager Sustainability at Refresco. This is one of the basic principles behind project JuicyChain. In the video below, Minna explains how innovative technology can help achieve the SJC members’ joint target of 100% sustainable juice by 2030.
For more information, check out the JuicyChain website: https://juicychain.org/
Astrid Baeten, IDH Program Manager Food Crops & Ingredients
Email: baeten@idhtrade.org