Tagged with "Farmfit"

  • YieldWise: Repairing Fractured Systems for Farmers

    IDH partnered with the Rockefeller Foundation’s YieldWise Initiative, which seeks to reduce post-harvest loss by at least 50% in various food value chains in Africa and to increase the incomes…

    YieldWise: Repairing Fractured Systems for Farmers
  • Farmfit Gender Report: Optimizing Farm Systems Through Gender Inclusion

    Leveraging Agricultural Service Delivery Smallholder farmers are vital to meeting the growing demand for quality raw materials, both in export and local or regional food supply chains. Yet, many of…

    Farmfit Gender Report: Optimizing Farm Systems Through Gender Inclusion
  • Business Brief: Optimizing Systems Through Gender Inclusion

    Leveraging Agricultural Service Delivery   Over the past 10 years, IDH has introduced and refined a unique market-based approach to supporting smallholder value chain development. Gender inclusion has always been…

    Business Brief: Optimizing Systems Through Gender Inclusion
  • Smallholder inclusion in Cassava supply chain in Nigeria

    As part of the IDH Cassava program with support from Rockefeller Foundation, we worked with cassava production company Psaltry International to establish a sustainable and inclusive supply chain through an…

    Smallholder inclusion in Cassava supply chain in Nigeria
  • Guide: IDH Farmfit Segmentation Tool

    IDH Farmfit has a free tool to increase the effectiveness and profitability of both agricultural and financial services provided to smallholder farmers. The IDH Farmfit Segmentation Tool leverages the information…

    Guide: IDH Farmfit Segmentation Tool
  • Optimizing Farm Systems Through Gender-Inclusion

    Optimizing Farm Systems Through Gender-Inclusion
  • IDH Deal Room Sessions, part of the Tenth Annual African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF)

    IDH hosted two sessions during AGRF Deal Rooms: Innovative Business Models for Increased Food, Trade, and Resilience in Africa and Opportunities and Strategies for Increased Local Sourcing in Africa.  Speakers…

    IDH Deal Room Sessions, part of the Tenth Annual African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF)
  • IDH Farmfit Webinar: Optimizing Farmer Engagement

    On November 25th IDH Farmfit hosted a webinar on Optimizing Farmer Engagement. In the webinar tips, tricks, and tools from IDH Farmfit and leading…

    IDH Farmfit Webinar: Optimizing Farmer Engagement
  • Optimizing Farmer Engagement

    Knowing your farmers means a greater likelihood of your services being adopted by farmers for sustained, long-term business growth. The good news is that you may already have much of…

    Optimizing Farmer Engagement
  • Smallholder Inclusion in Cassava Supply Chain in Nigeria

    Smallholder Inclusion in Cassava Supply Chain in Nigeria