Tagged with "Living Income"

  • ICO’s new research shows coffee farming is declining in profitability

    The International Coffee Organization’s new study assesses the cost structure of coffee production in selected countries (Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, and El Salvador), and derives recommendations on how to improve…

    ICO’s new research shows coffee farming is declining in profitability
  • 1st Ever Global Coffee Platform MA a Great Success

    On 5th & 6th October 2016, the 1st Membership Assembly of the Global Coffee Platform (GCP) took place in Geneva (Switzerland), where more than 140 stakeholders from all over the…

    1st Ever Global Coffee Platform MA a Great Success
  • Financing smallholder productivity and resilience in the age of climate change

    Reducing global poverty and improving food security is largely dependent on smallholder farmers becoming more productive. They must do so, however, in the face of new challenges caused by climate…

    Financing smallholder productivity and resilience in the age of climate change
  • National Coffee Platforms: Public / Private Alignment for a Sustainable Coffee Sector

    Strengthening the farmer’s voice in coffee producing countries through public / private dialogue and national representation. Just a few short years ago, the coffee sector lacked a clear collective developmental vision.

    National Coffee Platforms: Public / Private Alignment for a Sustainable Coffee Sector
  • Public private alignment in origin countries accelerates sustainability in coffee

    The Global Coffee Platform has released a new report, which showcases the growth of National Coffee Platform in the producing countries of Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Uganda and Vietnam. The…

    Public private alignment in origin countries accelerates sustainability in coffee
  • Introducing cocoa farming to Madagascar’s vanilla production region

    Barry Callebaut and Prova are launching a joint project empowering vanilla farmers in Madagascar, with IDH supporting the project with expertise and co-funding. Barry Callebaut and Prova are…

    Introducing cocoa farming to Madagascar’s vanilla production region
  • Release of the Coffee Sustainability Catalogue 2016

    The report compiles information on the sustainability initiatives of more than 80 stakeholders throughout the coffee sector. The report compiles information on the sustainability initiatives of more than 80 stakeholders throughout…

    Release of the Coffee Sustainability Catalogue 2016
  • 9 companies partner with IDH and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition

    Nestle, Mondelez, Barry Callebaut, Olam, Hersheys, Cargill, Ecom, Lindt and Touton have joined together towards efficiently curbing malnutrition of cocoa communities in Cote D’Ivoire and Ghana. Nestle, Mondelez, Barry Callebaut,…

    9 companies partner with IDH and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
  • Cocoa Agroforestry Forum to take place 19-20 October in Soubré, Côte d’Ivoire

    The IDH Initiative for Sustainable Landscapes (ISLA) is convening a platform to facilitate public-private dialogue and joint action between government, industry and local populations in the wider Taï Forest region.

    Cocoa Agroforestry Forum to take place 19-20 October in Soubré, Côte d’Ivoire
  • Introducing the renewed IDH Cocoa Team

    After a period of suspense, we are pleased to inform you that Jonas Mva Mva has returned to the IDH cocoa team as Program Director. During his one and a…

    Introducing the renewed IDH Cocoa Team