Tagged with "Living Income"

  • De la formation au coaching: Mondelez – Ecom

    Dans le cadre de leur partenariat au sein de l’Initiative pour l’engrais cacao, les entreprises de la filière se sont rendu compte que leur approche de la formation des planteurs…

    De la formation au coaching: Mondelez – Ecom
  • De la formation au coaching: Cemoi

    Dans le cadre de leur partenariat au sein de l’Initiative pour l’engrais cacao, les entreprises de la filière se sont rendu compte que leur approche de la formation des planteurs…

    De la formation au coaching: Cemoi
  • IDH and the Ivorian government’s CCC sign USD 5 million partnership in the Farm and Co-op Investment Program

    Earmarked to enable farmers & co-ops to make investment decisions, grow their business and improve livelihoods. IDH, the Sustainable Trade Initiative and the Conseil Café-Cacao (CCC) sign an investment agreement…

    IDH and the Ivorian government’s CCC sign USD 5 million partnership in the Farm and Co-op Investment Program
  • De la formation au coaching: Barry Callebaut

    Dans le cadre de leur partenariat au sein de l’Initiative pour l’engrais cacao, les entreprises de la filière se sont rendu compte que leur approche de la formation des planteurs…

    De la formation au coaching: Barry Callebaut
  • Initiative Engrais Cacao: Résumé du Rapport de l’Evaluation

    À la fin de la phase pilote de l’Initiative pour l’engrais cacao, un cabinet de conseil a analysé les résultats et l’impact des activités menées à l’échelle des planteurs et…

    Initiative Engrais Cacao: Résumé du Rapport de l’Evaluation
  • Cocoa Fertilizer Initiative: Executive Summary of the Evaluation

    As the pilot phase of the Cocoa Fertilizer Initiative came to an end, an evaluation of the outcomes and impact of the Initiative’s activities was conducted,…

    Cocoa Fertilizer Initiative: Executive Summary of the Evaluation
  • Coming soon: The journey beyond a “certification-only” approach to sustainable cocoa production

    Starting in April, IDH will be sharing insights gained over the last five years in the Cocoa Quality and Productivity Program (CPQP). CPQP has been possible because of our partners’…

    Coming soon: The journey beyond a “certification-only” approach to sustainable cocoa production
  • 12 cocoa companies commit to halting deforestation

    On March 16 2017 the twelve largest global chocolate and cocoa companies committed to develop cooperative, multi-stakeholder frameworks to help address deforestation and forest degradation in their cocoa supply chains…

    12 cocoa companies commit to halting deforestation
  • Huffington Post blog about Cocoa & Forest Initiative

    IDH, the World Cocoa Foundation (WCF) and The Prince’s International Sustainability Unit (ISU) convened the Cocoa & Forest Initiative and launched it at a meeting hosted by HRH The Prince…

    Huffington Post blog about Cocoa & Forest Initiative
  • Cocoa & Forests Initiative

    A common vision and joint framework of action in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana eliminating deforestation from the cocoa supply chain

    Cocoa & Forests Initiative