Tagged with "Living Income"

  • World Bank report on eliminating deforestation in cocoa supply chains

    The new report, Eliminating Deforestation from the Cocoa Supply Chain, presents a first set of principles for achieving sustainable, deforestation-free cocoa production. The report analyzes current sustainability projects and…

    World Bank report on eliminating deforestation in cocoa supply chains
  • Best Practice Examples to Address Deforestation in the Cocoa Sector

    Check the link below for a series of examples of existing private sector initiatives addressing deforestation in the cocoa sector. Download publication…

    Best Practice Examples to Address Deforestation in the Cocoa Sector
  • A giant leap forward for over 30,000 smallholders in the Philippines

    Agri-finance company Agronomika Finance Corporation, agri-business company Kennemer Foods International Inc., FMO and IDH are partnering to provide a Philippine peso loan in the equivalent of USD 2 million for…

    A giant leap forward for over 30,000 smallholders in the Philippines
  • CNRA Soil Mapping Project: Final Report

    CNRA and CIRAD have identified the need of using fertilizers to restore soil fertility and increase cocoa productivity. Farmers must use different types of fertilizers based on the type of region…

    CNRA Soil Mapping Project: Final Report
  • CNRA Projet de Cartographie des Sols: Rapport Final

    Les planteurs de cacao ont besoin d‘employer des engrais pour restaurer la fertilité des sols et augmenter la productivité des cacaoyers. Selon les caractéristiques pédologiques et les variétés de cacaoyers…

    CNRA Projet de Cartographie des Sols: Rapport Final
  • Initiative Engrais Cacao: Retour sur le passé, regard vers l’avenir

    Lancée en 2012, cette Initiative avait pour objectif de s’atteler à certains problèmes liés à l’accessibilité de l’engrais et à son caractère économiquement abordable, et de restaurer la fertilité des…

    Initiative Engrais Cacao: Retour sur le passé, regard vers l’avenir
  • The Cocoa Fertilizer Initiative: Looking back, moving forward

    The Initiative was established in 2012 with the goal of mitigating some of the issues around the accessibility/affordability of fertilizer, and restore soil fertility to the cocoa farms of Côte…

    The Cocoa Fertilizer Initiative: Looking back, moving forward
  • From training to coaching: Mondelez – Ecom

    While partnering with the Cocoa Fertilizer Initiative, cocoa companies identified their approach to training farmers was not sufficient. In a series of fact sheets we capture reflections on the approach…

    From training to coaching: Mondelez – Ecom
  • From training to coaching: Cemoi

    While partnering with the Cocoa Fertilizer Initiative, cocoa companies identified their approach to training farmers was not sufficient. In a series of fact sheets we capture reflections on the approach…

    From training to coaching: Cemoi
  • From training to coaching: Barry Callebaut

    While partnering with the Cocoa Fertilizer Initiative, cocoa companies identified their approach to training farmers was not sufficient. In a series of fact sheets we capture reflections on the approach…

    From training to coaching: Barry Callebaut