Tagged with "Sustainable Vanilla Initiative"

  • A success for vanilla quality!

    Advocacy from the Sustainable Vanilla Initiative and local partners resulted in a government-issued decree to maintain campaign opening dates, to the mid-July 2018 date in Sava region.   These campaign…

    A success for vanilla quality!
  • Listen to our latest podcast on sustainable vanilla

    Hear more about the Sustainable Vanilla Initiative in the latest episode of the IDH podcast. Jan Gilhuis, Senior Program Manager in the IDH Fresh & Ingredients Program, and Don Seville,…

    Listen to our latest podcast on sustainable vanilla
  • Power of IDH Fresh & Ingredients program grows

    A dozen of companies joined our Fresh & Ingredients program in the last quarter, increasing the power of the program. The members commit to increase in sustainable volumes sourced.

    Power of IDH Fresh & Ingredients program grows
  • Sustainable Vanilla Initiative partners with CARE to aid victims of Madagascar Cyclone

    Team to provide agriculture recovery to North Eastern Madagascar in response to Tropical Cyclone ENAWO. The Sustainable Vanilla Initiative (SVI) has partnered with CARE to support vanilla…

    Sustainable Vanilla Initiative partners with CARE to aid victims of Madagascar Cyclone
  • Supporting sustainable and child labor free vanilla growing communities in Sava

    IDH, through the Sustainable Vanilla Initiative, together with the International Labor Office start the project ‘SAVA-BE’ in the vanilla sector. A project to supporting sustainable and child labor free vanilla…

    Supporting sustainable and child labor free vanilla growing communities in Sava
  • ENAWO Recovery Agricultural Program supporting vanilla communities

    The Sustainable Vanilla Initiative has developed a program with CARE to support vanilla communities in Madagascar in their recovery from Tropical Cyclone ENAWO. ‘Agriculture Recovery to North Eastern Madagascar in…

    ENAWO Recovery Agricultural Program supporting vanilla communities
  • Introducing cocoa farming to Madagascar’s vanilla production region

    IDH supporting Barry Callebaut and Prova’s joint project empowering vanilla farmers. Barry Callebaut and Prova are launching a joint project empowering vanilla farmers in Madagascar, with IDH supporting…

    Introducing cocoa farming to Madagascar’s vanilla production region
  • Introducing cocoa farming to Madagascar’s vanilla production region

    Barry Callebaut and Prova are launching a joint project empowering vanilla farmers in Madagascar, with IDH supporting the project with expertise and co-funding. Barry Callebaut and Prova are…

    Introducing cocoa farming to Madagascar’s vanilla production region
  • Fresh & Ingredients brochure

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    Fresh & Ingredients brochure
  • Fresh & Ingredients infographic

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    Fresh & Ingredients infographic