Tagged with "Tea"

  • TEAM UP India Report

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    TEAM UP India Report
  • Malawi Tea 2020


    Malawi Tea 2020
  • Mufindi Out Grower Project

    The project was developed in 2014 by Unilever Tea Tanzania (UTT), a fully owned subsidiary of Unilever PLC with its principle activities being tea growing, primary processing and export of…

    Mufindi Out Grower Project
  • Training smallholder tea farmers

    Farmer Field Schools (FFS) help farmers bridge their knowledge gap. Farmers who attended an FFS in the past adopted better practices, and improved the quality of their yield. This resulted…

    Training smallholder tea farmers
  • Improving prospects of young people in tea communities

    IDH has build a partnership with UNICEF, Typhoo and ETP Members (Tesco, TGB, Taylors and OTG) to work with 350 communities on more than 100 tea estates in Assam. Aiming to…

    Improving prospects of young people in tea communities
  • Implementing a sustainability code for the Indian domestic market

    The trustea program is an initiative to transform the domestic Indian tea industry based on industry realities and globally accepted sustainability principles by implementing a sustainability code for…

    Implementing a sustainability code for the Indian domestic market
  • TEAM UP 2016

    In 2016, the TEAM UP event was an opportunity to see how programmes within the tea sector are delivering against the SDGs, making a positive impact,…

    TEAM UP 2016
  • UNICEF Partnership in Assam

    A ground breaking collaboration to help protect and change the lives of children and young people living in tea communities in Assam

    UNICEF Partnership in Assam
  • Kenya Tea Program

    A public-private partnership that aims to transform the Kenyan tea sector through training and certification of 560.000 KTDA smallholder tea farmers towards sustainable agricultural practices.

    Kenya Tea Program
  • True Price of tea

    True Price and IDH, the Sustainable Trade Initiatives have released a series of reports on the True Price of commodities in an area of production. The investigation allowed for interesting…

    True Price of tea