Tagged with "Living Income"

  • IDH and Conseil du Café-Cacao launch Cocoaperation

    IDH - The Sustainable Trade Initiative and the Conseil du Café-Cacao started Cocoaperation. Through this new partnership they support the transition of cocoa farming towards a viable business activity for as many cocoa farming families in Côte d’Ivoire as possible,

    IDH and Conseil du Café-Cacao launch Cocoaperation
  • IDH en Conseil du Café-Cacao lanceren Cocoaperation

    Nieuw partnership wil inkomens van 100.000 Ivoriaanse cacaoboeren verhogen Utrecht, 28 juli 2022 – Het Nederlandse IDH is samen met het Ivoriaanse Conseil du Café-Cacao Cocoaperation gestart. In deze nieuwe samenwerking…

    IDH en Conseil du Café-Cacao lanceren Cocoaperation
  • SDM Case Study: Sucden, Ivory Coast

    As a major buyer and exporter of cocoa from Côte d’Ivoire, Sucden Cocoa has a history of working closely with farmers, their families, and cooperatives within the sector. Through these…

    SDM Case Study: Sucden, Ivory Coast
  • Executive Summary: Living Income Summit June 14, 2022

    This executive summary provides crucial learnings gathered from our partners and stakeholders over the course of the day, and a refined outcome statement that reflects the main takeaways. Download the…

    Executive Summary: Living Income Summit June 14, 2022
  • Rapport Annuel Initiative Cacao et Forêts de Côte d’Ivoire 2021

    For the Annual Report on CFI Ghana in English, click here. Download publication Download publication…

    Rapport Annuel Initiative Cacao et Forêts de Côte d’Ivoire 2021
  • Cocoa & Forests Annual Reports 2021

    The governments of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana and 35 companies in the Cocoa & Forests Initiative (CFI) today reported progress made towards ending deforestation in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana…

    Cocoa & Forests Annual Reports 2021
  • Press Release: IDH Farmfit Fund partners with Oikocredit to provide a syndicated loan to Unispice

    The long-term investment will support the sustainable growth and expansion of Unispice, a family-owned Guatemalan producer of fresh gourmet vegetables. Utrecht — July 5th, 2022 — IDH Farmfit…

    Press Release: IDH Farmfit Fund partners with Oikocredit to provide a syndicated loan to Unispice
  • ISCO WG Traceability- TOR

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    ISCO WG Traceability- TOR
  • ISCO WG Child Labour – TOR

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    ISCO WG Child Labour – TOR
  • ISCO WG Living Income – TOR

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    ISCO WG Living Income – TOR