Tagged with "Brazil"

  • IDH’s territorial approach is the topic of Agri Sustainability Talks in London

    In February, IDH attended the “Agri sustainability Talks”, an event promoted by the Brazilian Embassy in London to promote debate on agriculture and sustainability. In this third edition, discussions revolved…

    IDH’s territorial approach is the topic of Agri Sustainability Talks in London
  • Farmfit Fund visits Colombia to prospect new investments in Latin America

    The Farmfit Fund’s Investment Director, Miguel Tamayo, visited Colombia last month as part of opening up new impact investment opportunities in Latin America and supporting the development of small…

    Farmfit Fund visits Colombia to prospect new investments in Latin America
  • Directores Europeos de IDH visitan Brasil y quedan impresionados con agricultura y ganadería desarrolladas en el país

    La Directora Global de Finanzas, Lizet Friesen-Leibbrandt, y el Director Global de Paisajes, Matthew Spencer, del equipo europeo de IDH, estuvieron en Brasil en el mes de abril para conocer…

    Directores Europeos de IDH visitan Brasil y quedan impresionados con agricultura y ganadería desarrolladas en el país
  • Abordaje territorial de IDH es tema de Agrisustainability Talks en Londres

    IDH participo en febrero del “Agrisustainability Talks”, evento promovido por la Embajada de Brasil en Londres para incentivar el debate sobre la agricultura y sostenibilidad. En esta tercera edición, las…

    Abordaje territorial de IDH es tema de Agrisustainability Talks en Londres
  • Fondo Farmfit visita Colombia para identificar nuevas oportunidades de inversión en América Latina

    Como parte de la abertura de nuevas oportunidades para inversiones de impacto en América Latina y el apoyo al desarrollo de pequeños agricultores en la región, el Director de Inversiones…

    Fondo Farmfit visita Colombia para identificar nuevas oportunidades de inversión en América Latina
  • IDH, Grupo Carrefour Brasil y CNA lanzan Protocolo de Producción Sustentable de Terneros

    Desarrollado en el campo, en un ambiente de incubadora de innovaciones y creación colaborativa, el Protocolo llega para transformar la realidad de la ganadería brasileña al apoyar la inclusión de…

    IDH, Grupo Carrefour Brasil y CNA lanzan Protocolo de Producción Sustentable de Terneros
  • &Green invests in Indonesian palm oil company PT Hilton Duta Lestari for the establishment of a traceable, inclusive and deforestation-free palm oil supply chain

    Stichting andgreen.fund (“&Green”) has invested USD 12 million as an 8-year loan facility in PT Hilton Duta Lestari (“HDL") to construct a Crude Palm Oil mill and to create an inclusive palm oil supply base in West Kalimantan, Indonesia that ensures No Deforestation, No Peat, and No Exploitation (NDPE). &Green, a blended finance vehicle established to de-link deforestation from tropical agricultural commodity production, will work with HDL to reduce deforestation across four districts and improve incomes for up to 85,000 inhabitants, mainly indigenous (Dayak) communities. By empowering smallholders throughout a 30km radius around its estates, HDL will be able to source only from no-deforestation oil palm fruit (FFB) suppliers, which will therefore support forest protection in a landscape that is experiencing accelerating rates of clearing.

    &Green invests in Indonesian palm oil company PT Hilton Duta Lestari for the establishment of a traceable, inclusive and deforestation-free palm oil supply chain
  • European Soy Monitor Report

    Sustainable soy uptake in Europe increased from 42.2% in 2019 to 43.8% in 2020. The 2020 European Soy monitor examines EU27+ (European, UK, Norwegian, and Swiss) imports of sustainable soy.

    European Soy Monitor Report
  • LDN TAF 2nd Learning Brief on Sustainable Land Management

    The publication marks two years of the Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Fund and Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) being operational. It shares showcases the groundbreaking work of the TAF and the…

    LDN TAF 2nd Learning Brief on Sustainable Land Management
  • How Collective Action Can Transform Landscapes To Forest Positive 

    As the world marks Earth Day, the Forest Positive Coalition and IDH -The Sustainable Trade Initiative, share five elements of success for landscape-level programs working to restore and protect forests. 

    How Collective Action Can Transform Landscapes To Forest Positive