News from the urgency of action report to tackle tropical deforestation

  • Over enthusiastic reporter overrates soy MoU…

    With the header: “IDH stops deforestation” Dutch magazine P+ introduced its latest issue, featuring the soy MoU, co-organized by IDH. Soy Director Lucian Peppelenbos: “It is good to be optimistic…

    Over enthusiastic reporter overrates soy MoU…
  • KTDA, IDH and Unilever improve tea farmers livelihoods at scale

    Over 85,000 farmers have been trained on sustainable agricultural practices and Rainforest Alliance certification through Farmer Field Schools (FFS), including over 45,000 women (53%). Resulting in income diversification, higher yields…

    KTDA, IDH and Unilever improve tea farmers livelihoods at scale