News and Resources

  • Vast improvements for 15.000 shrimp and Tilapia farmers through training in environmental and disease management

    The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP), Walmart and IDH have completed a major aquaculture training program in Asia providing thousands of shrimp and tilapia farmers with modern training designed to improve…

    Vast improvements for 15.000 shrimp and Tilapia farmers through training in environmental and disease management
  • Huffington Post blog about Cocoa & Forest Initiative

    IDH, the World Cocoa Foundation (WCF) and The Prince’s International Sustainability Unit (ISU) convened the Cocoa & Forest Initiative and launched it at a meeting hosted by HRH The Prince…

    Huffington Post blog about Cocoa & Forest Initiative
  • First village land use plan in West Kalimantan

    The landscape in the Ketapang district of West Kalimantan is under pressure from concessions for palm oil, pulp and paper, mining, and logging. IDH, Aidenvironment and Bumitama Gunajaya Agro (BGA)…

    First village land use plan in West Kalimantan
  • BLOG: Engaging Smallholders in Forest Friendly Value Chains

    IDH’s Production, Protection and Inclusion (PPI) compacts focus on sustainability beyond single farm gates, across a whole landscape. PPI compacts bring all stakeholders together (business, local and national government, communities,…

    BLOG: Engaging Smallholders in Forest Friendly Value Chains
  • IDH and Safaricom merge resources to protect the Mau forest

    IDH signed a partnership with Safaricom Foundation  to help protect the South West Mau Forest, an important water catchment area. Addressing forest degradation will enhance the ecosystem services required in…

    IDH and Safaricom merge resources to protect the Mau forest
  • Sustainable tea sector enhanced with Unilever joining the Ethical Tea Partnership

    “With Unilever joining ETP, the largest tea packers in the world unite forces to take the much needed next steps in tea sustainability.” The Ethical Tea Partnership (ETP)…

    Sustainable tea sector enhanced with Unilever joining the Ethical Tea Partnership
  • Impact focus 2: Gender in the IDH transformation strategy

    This month we celebrated International Women’s Day. As IDH we believe women are key to drive growth and sustainability. Yet their potential to do so is still hampered. Action is…

    Impact focus 2: Gender in the IDH transformation strategy
  • Be Bold with IDH on International Women’s Day

    As IDH we believe women are key to drive growth and sustainability. Yet their potential to do so is still hampered. Action is required at different levels. IDH applauds and…

    Be Bold with IDH on International Women’s Day
  • Podcast: Assessing IDH contribution to public good impact – Webinar

    This podcast is taken from the webinar on impact research hosted by IDH on September 5th 2017. It provides insight into the research methodology on evaluating IDH’s contribution to public…

    Podcast: Assessing IDH contribution to public good impact – Webinar
  • IDH Forum: Driving Business Solutions for Sustainable Landscapes

    On February 9, over 100 participants from all over the globe gathered in Amsterdam to learn from each other how to build multi-stakeholder coalitions for sustainable landscapes where forests are…

    IDH Forum: Driving Business Solutions for Sustainable Landscapes
  • Improving smallholder livelihoods with service delivery models

    Giant networks will make businessmen of smallholder farmers, was the header in a recent Dutch magazine. Probably that’s overstating it, but there is some truth. We see a paradigm shift…

    Improving smallholder livelihoods with service delivery models
  • Journey towards sustainable cotton continues

    This month, IDH published the last report of the Better Cotton Fast Track Program (BCFTP). The progress on sustainable cotton doesn’t stop here though, as the BCFTP has merged into…

    Journey towards sustainable cotton continues
  • Agricultural Lenders Adopt Shared Principles

    9 members’ of The Council on Smallholder Agricultural Finance have applied shared social and environmental principles across their loan portfolios. This encompasses roughly $600 million to businesses providing services to…

    Agricultural Lenders Adopt Shared Principles
  • Which companies procure the most Better Cotton?

    Which retailers and brands lead the Better Cotton league? The Top 10 (volume) Better Cotton sourcing businesses include many high-street favorites from around the world. In descending order of magnitude,…

    Which companies procure the most Better Cotton?