News and Resources

  • Creating value from farm to fork: from Guatemala to Sweden

    Over the past two years, IDH, Nature’s Pride and ICA Sweden have collaborated to pilot an innovative model to include smallholder farmers in the Nature’s Pride – ICA vegetable value…

    Creating value from farm to fork: from Guatemala to Sweden
  • Superunie calls the Sustainable Juice Covenant logical next step

    The buying cooperative that represents 13 independent retail organizations in the Netherlands joined the global initiative to make the sourcing of fruit juices sustainable. Cindy Verhoeven manager sustainable sourcing at…

    Superunie calls the Sustainable Juice Covenant logical next step
  • Orangutan corridor: Public-private partnership to help protect Indonesia’s wildlife

    The Indonesian palm oil company Bumitama is working with the government, local communities and other companies to conserve an ‘orangutan corridor’ that passes through their palm concession in West Kalimantan…

    Orangutan corridor: Public-private partnership to help protect Indonesia’s wildlife
  • Sustainable trade in a post conflict era

    Times that ministers from emerging economies came to visit Europe to ask for money are long gone. This week, the Colombian Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Juan Guillermo Zuluaga…

    Sustainable trade in a post conflict era
  • Unique farmer stories portrayed in latest report on the sustainable spices sector in India

    IDH published its latest report on the Sustainable Spices Initiative India (SSI-I). The report gives a good overview of the Indian spices sector and multiple projects that are currently taking…

    Unique farmer stories portrayed in latest report on the sustainable spices sector in India
  • Cocoa & Forests Initiative

    The cocoa and chocolate industry, along with the governments of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana have committed to work together, through the Cocoa & Forests Initiative, to end deforestation and…

    Cocoa & Forests Initiative
  • Podcast: Forest protection through sustainable livelihoods in Indonesia

    In Padang Tikar village, West Kalimantan province, Indonesia, a ‘village forest’ scheme is helping communities protect their forest and increase their income by engaging in sustainable livelihoods. In this podcast,…

    Podcast: Forest protection through sustainable livelihoods in Indonesia
  • IDH Production, Protection and Inclusion approach (PPI)

    The IDH landscape program uses an innovative, integrated approach to mitigate deforestation, while improving smallholder and community livelihoods and ensuring supply security for businesses. Through a three-pronged approach –…

    IDH Production, Protection and Inclusion approach (PPI)
  • Podcast: Gender – it is there when working with smallholder farmers and workers

    Gender compared to our other impact themes is a difficult topic to address, as it is a topic close to culture. We have rightfully agreed globally that there should be…

    Podcast: Gender – it is there when working with smallholder farmers and workers
  • SSI-I trains 20,000 farmers in India to produce 30,000 MT of sustainable spices in 2017-18

    Expanding its engagement at the field level, Sustainable Spices Initiative – India (SSI-I) reached 20,000 spice farmers across India to train them on sustainable agricultural practices in 2017-18, producing 30,000…

    SSI-I trains 20,000 farmers in India to produce 30,000 MT of sustainable spices in 2017-18
  • Estratégia PCI lança plataforma de monitoramento online

    Este mês, a Estratégia PCI – Produzir, Conservar e Incluir lançou oficialmente sua plataforma de monitoramento online. O espaço digital tem o objetivo de identificar os avanços em direção às…

    Estratégia PCI lança plataforma de monitoramento online
  • Parceiros da IDH avançam na implementação dos pactos do Vale do Juruena/MT e de Paragominas/PA

    A Natcap Soluções Sustentáveis, parceira da IDH – Iniciativa para o Comércio Sustentável, está evoluindo com o pacto do Vale do Juruena, no Mato Grosso, e o Imazon (Instituto do Homem…

    Parceiros da IDH avançam na implementação dos pactos do Vale do Juruena/MT e de Paragominas/PA
  • IDH reúne equipe global em Utrecht, na Holanda

    Entre os dias 05 e 13 de março, a IDH – Iniciativa para o Comércio Sustentável reuniu sua equipe global em Utrecht, na Holanda, para discutir a internacionalização da entidade…

    IDH reúne equipe global em Utrecht, na Holanda
  • IDH participa do TFA 2020 e do encontro WEF

    Em março, a IDH – Iniciativa para o Comércio Sustentável marcou presença em dois grandes eventos sobre abordagem territorial: o TFA 2020 Latin America Implementation Dialogue e o New Vision…

    IDH participa do TFA 2020 e do encontro WEF