News and Resources

  • As of March 25 IDH HQ closed

    Until further notice the IDH Headquarters are closed to avoid spreading COVID-19 and to help the medial professionals that are working hard to keep us all safe. No meetings can…

    As of March 25 IDH HQ closed
  • Four ways to save tropical forests and safeguard our future

    Governments and companies have set targets to halt deforestation, but commitments and targets only begin to have impact when followed up by the right actions. Accelerated ambition could contribute to tackling deforestation and climate change and improve people’s food security and quality of life. By making every link on the value chain accountable, we can prioritize sustainable sourcing, conserve tropical forests and protect ourselves. 

    Four ways to save tropical forests and safeguard our future
  • The Beyond Chocolate governance structure has evolved

    As our partnership is constantly evolving, learning and growing, it is only normal that our governance structure goes through some changes too. During the first year of our partnership, we…

    The Beyond Chocolate governance structure has evolved
  • Stay up to date with our Beyond Chocolate event calendar

    We have created this overview so our Beyond Chocolate partners can keep track of events regarding sustainable chocolate. You will find Beyond Chocolate-specific events, as…

    Stay up to date with our Beyond Chocolate event calendar
  • Sorriso PCI Compact creates a safe environment for investors interested in responsible soybean production

    The Sorriso PCI (Produce, Conserve and Include) Compact has provided the municipality with a favorable environment to demonstrate it is possible to balance large-scale sustainable commodities production, natural resources conservation…

    Sorriso PCI Compact creates a safe environment for investors interested in responsible soybean production
  • IDH advances with the strategy to support the sustainable development of three territories in Colombia

    On October 22, 2019, IDH presented its sustainable territorial development strategy to the members of the Board of AgroColombia Productiva y Sostenible. The states of Cesar, Huila and Magdalena were…

    IDH advances with the strategy to support the sustainable development of three territories in Colombia
  • Barra do Garças advances in structuring local PCI Program

    The municipality of Barra do Garças is on track to become a benchmark in sustainable territorial development, and as such, it counts on the support of strategic partners, such as…

    Barra do Garças advances in structuring local PCI Program
  • PCI Institute holds 1st Investment Committee Workshop

    The PCI Institute (Produce, Conserve and Include), held on February 5, the 1st Investment Committee Workshop, which aimed to discuss, plan and direct the activities required for the implementation of…

    PCI Institute holds 1st Investment Committee Workshop
  • Philippe de Selliers becomes new Beyond Chocolate Steerco Chairman

    The Beyond Chocolate Steering Committee has found a new chairman in the person of Leonidas CEO Philippe de Selliers. Starting from March 2020, Philippe will be the one convening the…

    Philippe de Selliers becomes new Beyond Chocolate Steerco Chairman
  • Beyond Chocolate One-Year Event Report

    On December 5, 2019, the One-Year Anniversary of the Beyond Chocolate Partnership took place in Antwerp, Belgium. In Chocolate Nation, the beautiful Belgian Chocolate museum, the partners…

    Beyond Chocolate One-Year Event Report
  • Pacto PCI de Sorriso cria ambiente de segurança para investidores interessados em produção de soja responsável

    O Pacto PCI (Produzir, Conservar e Incluir) de Sorriso vem proporcionando ao município um ambiente favorável para a demonstração de como é possível conciliar produção sustentável de commodities em larga…

    Pacto PCI de Sorriso cria ambiente de segurança para investidores interessados em produção de soja responsável
  • IDH avança na estratégia de apoio ao desenvolvimento sustentável de três territórios da Colômbia

    Em 22 de outubro de 2019, a IDH apresentou a estratégia de desenvolvimento territorial sustentável aos membros do Conselho da AgroColombia Productiva y Sostenible. Os estados de Cesar,…

    IDH avança na estratégia de apoio ao desenvolvimento sustentável de três territórios da Colômbia
  • Barra do Garças avança da estruturação do Programa PCI municipal

    O município de Barra do Garças caminha para tornar-se referência em desenvolvimento territorial sustentável contando, para isso, com apoio de parceiros estratégicos, como a IDH, TNC, organizações e empresas locais,…

    Barra do Garças avança da estruturação do Programa PCI municipal
  • Instituto PCI realiza 1º Workshop do Comitê de Investimentos

    O Instituto PCI (Produzir, Conservar e Incluir) realizou, no dia 05 de fevereiro, o 1º Workshop do Comitê de Investimentos, com o objetivo de discutir, planejar e encaminhar as atividades…

    Instituto PCI realiza 1º Workshop do Comitê de Investimentos