News and Resources

  • Palm oil demand in India

    Recent news reports show palm oil production-side challenges and supply chain disruptions in the wake of the COVID-19 global pandemic, which are set to significantly impact prices and/or volumes available…

    Palm oil demand in India
  • Green recovery starts for coffee sector in Vietnam’s Central Highlands

    Vietnam’s coffee sector emerges from lockdown on course for a new and greener path. The Vietnamese Government has lifted restrictions following a successful lockdown period resulting in no reported deaths…

    Green recovery starts for coffee sector in Vietnam’s Central Highlands
  • Seminario web: ¿Cómo están respondiendo las empresas agrícolas y los operadores territoriales a COVID-19?

    IDH en asociación con FMO, Mirova y Proparco le invita a unirse al tercer seminario web de la serie: ¿Cómo están respondiendo las empresas agrícolas y los operadores territoriales a…

    Seminario web: ¿Cómo están respondiendo las empresas agrícolas y los operadores territoriales a COVID-19?
  • Enabling Rwandan fresh produce exporters access international markets

    We have seen that COVID-19 is leading the disruption of global supply chain flows, and due to  limited shelf life, fresh produce supply chains are less adaptable to supply chain…

    Enabling Rwandan fresh produce exporters access international markets
  • COVID-19 Series: Webinar II – How companies and land-based operators are responding to COVID-19

    The huge response to our webinar on 2 April on on-site measures for forestry and agriculture companies and sustainable landscape operators in the context of COVID19 underlined the real need for practical…

    COVID-19 Series: Webinar II – How companies and land-based operators are responding to COVID-19
  • Unilever joins the Roadmap on Living Wages

    We are happy to announce that Unilever has joined our Roadmap on Living Wages. In a platform with 15 leading companies, sustainability standards and certifications, we are developing solutions for…

    Unilever joins the Roadmap on Living Wages
  • Mobile app to support textile workers

    To support textile workers and factories, IDH is facilitating industry players to shift operations in order to increase production of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), as well as providing means for…

    Mobile app to support textile workers
  • Nestlé partners with IDH’s Grown Sustainably in Africa program to boost local sourcing in Central and West Africa

    Nestlé has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with IDH Sustainable Trade Initiative, as part of the Grown Sustainably in Africa (GSA) program. The three-year partnership aims to support 25,000…

    Nestlé partners with IDH’s Grown Sustainably in Africa program to boost local sourcing in Central and West Africa
  • Coronavirus may help spur aquaculture investments in Africa

    Originally posted on the Undercurrent News. The African aquaculture sector has become an even more appealing investment proposition in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Flavio Corsin — head of…

    Coronavirus may help spur aquaculture investments in Africa
  • Garment industry coalition calls for urgent action amid COVID-19

    Ten organisations working with 2,000 brands join forces to protect workers A coalition of ten international organisations working on better labour conditions for garment…

    Garment industry coalition calls for urgent action amid COVID-19
  • Indonesian start-up adapts app to support shrimp farmers through COVID-19 crisis

    Shrimp farmers are a hardy bunch. In recent years, the industry has been hit by a number of viral diseases, such as the White Spot Disease and Early Mortality Syndrome. The Asian shrimp industry alone reported to have lost at least USD $20 billion in the last decade. This series of shocks has led the industry to bounce back better: with farmers increasingly cutting out use of antibiotics, reducing environmental impact of shrimp production and finding technological solutions to boost their resilience. Last year, Indonesian start-up JALA together with IDH launched a data-driven system to monitor and prevent shrimp diseases. But can these experiences bolster the industry’s immunity to the global impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic?

    Indonesian start-up adapts app to support shrimp farmers through COVID-19 crisis
  • Companies and governments show interest in the ‘Colombian PCI’ proposal

    In the first two weeks of March, the IDH Colombia team visited the towns considered as priorities for the implementation of the sustainable territorial development project in the…

    Companies and governments show interest in the ‘Colombian PCI’ proposal
  • Empresas e governos demonstram interesse na proposta de ‘PCI da Colômbia’

    A equipe da IDH Colômbia realizou, nas duas primeiras semanas de março, visitas aos municípios considerados prioritários para a implantação do projeto de desenvolvimento territorial sustentável nas regiões…

    Empresas e governos demonstram interesse na proposta de ‘PCI da Colômbia’
  • IDH and partners make progress in implementing the Sustainable Calf Production Program in Mato Grosso

    A year ago, in February 2019, a pioneering and innovative initiative started to be developed in Mato Grosso: The Calf Sustainable Production Program, aimed at changing the production…

    IDH and partners make progress in implementing the Sustainable Calf Production Program in Mato Grosso