News and Resources

  • Redoubling the efforts for a sustainable soy industry

    Our latest European Soy Monitor demonstrates the beginning of progress. Looking at soybean meal consumption in 2018 in Europe, 38% is FEFAC SSG compliant and 19% deforestation-free, the start of…

    Redoubling the efforts for a sustainable soy industry
  • State of Huila (Colombia) signs partnership with IDH to implement Production, Protection and Inclusion strategy

    The Governor of the State of Huila (Colombia), Luis Enrique Dussan, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 27 May 2020 with Program Director for Global Landscapes at IDH - the Sustainable Trade Initiative, Daan Wensing, at an online ceremony to formalize their commitment to implement a territorial development strategy based on the principles of production, protection and inclusion (PPI).

    State of Huila (Colombia) signs partnership with IDH to implement Production, Protection and Inclusion strategy
  • IDH e estado de Huila firmam parceria para implementar a estratégia Produzir, Preservar e Incluir na Colômbia

    O diretor global de Paisagens Sustentáveis da Iniciativa para o Comércio Sustentável (IDH), Daan Wensing, e o governador do Estado de Huila (Colômbia), Luis Enrique Dussan, assinaram no dia 27…

    IDH e estado de Huila firmam parceria para implementar a estratégia Produzir, Preservar e Incluir na Colômbia
  • Podcast: Digital finance solutions for agricultural supply chains during COVID-19

    In this podcast we will explore digital finance solutions for agricultural supply chains in the current COVID-19 crisis. IDH Farmfit’s Kaushik Ramakrishnan is joined by Ad Rietberg and Faith Mulwa…

    Podcast: Digital finance solutions for agricultural supply chains during COVID-19
  • Helping apparel factories to produce personal protective equipment

    Guidance to produce PPE New free platform to list all equipment Connect with suppliers & buyers Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as facial masks, gloves, and gowns, is…

    Helping apparel factories to produce personal protective equipment
  • A recipe for success? Three measures protecting the Cavally forest in West Africa from illegal cocoa farming activities.

    For International Day for Biological Diversity we spoke with Dr. Emmanuelle Normand, Manager of Côte d’Ivoire team at the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation (WCF) on the critical work that has…

    A recipe for success? Three measures protecting the Cavally forest in West Africa from illegal cocoa farming activities.
  • Disseminating actions in the apparel industry

    IDH is supporting the apparel sector to alleviate the impact on factory workers and people dependent on the apparel industry, who have been affected by the COVID-19 crisis. We do…

    Disseminating actions in the apparel industry
  • IDH’s block farming model explained

    In a recently published guide, we look at how IDH’s block farming model is being used to tap into the unfulfilled potential of Nigeria’s cassava industry. We look at what…

    IDH’s block farming model explained
  • Biodiversity makes business sense: International Day for Biological Diversity

    The Leuser ecosystem is one of the only places in the world where orangutans, elephants, tigers, sun bears and rhinos co-exist in the wild. In the buffer zone of the Leuser Ecosystem in Aceh Tamiang, local smallholders and communities are restoring degraded lands by planting fruit trees, vegetables and hardwood trees. This contributes to increased biodiversity while providing alternative income sources for the smallholders.

    Biodiversity makes business sense: International Day for Biological Diversity
  • Emergency response in tea supply chain

    Tea producers across the globe have been greatly affected by COVID-19, mainly because of national lockdowns and social distancing policies. Export and import restrictions are creating uncertainty on…

    Emergency response in tea supply chain
  • COVID-19 reinforces the urgency of Cocoa & Forests Initiative goals

    A reminder that farmers should continue being at the center of our efforts In addition to the human vulnerabilities that COVID-19 has exposed, this crisis also can serve as a…

    COVID-19 reinforces the urgency of Cocoa & Forests Initiative goals
  • COVID-19 confirme l’urgence des objectifs de l’Initiative Cacao et Forêts

    Un rappel que les producteurs doivent continuer à être au centre de nos efforts En plus des vulnérabilités humaines que COVID-19 a révélé, cette crise est également un rappel de…

    COVID-19 confirme l’urgence des objectifs de l’Initiative Cacao et Forêts
  • Comment l’Initiative Cacao et Forêts fait-elle face à la crise du COVID ?

    Bien que la crise ait ralenti notre rythme de travail, elle n’a pas arrêté l’initiative. Le secrétariat et les groupes de travail de l’ICF continuent à travailler en ligne. Les…

    Comment l’Initiative Cacao et Forêts fait-elle face à la crise du COVID ?
  • How is the Cocoa & Forests Initiative coping through the COVID crisis?

    Although the crisis has slowed down the pace, it has not put a stop to the initiative. The CFI Secretariat and working groups are continuing to work online. Meetings are…

    How is the Cocoa & Forests Initiative coping through the COVID crisis?