26 June 2024

08:00 – 08:45 REGISTRATION
with coffee and breakfast bites
08:50 – 09:20 WORDS OF WELCOME​ Daan Wensing
Chief Executive Officer
Isabelle Kumar
09:20 – 09:50 OPENING REMARKS: Achieving Living Wage & Living Income in global supply chains Steven Collet
Deputy Director-General of International Cooperation
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the NetherlandsJanepher Nassali
General Secretary
Uganda Horticulture, Industrial, Service Providers and Allied Workers Union
09:50 – 10:20 FIRESIDE CHAT: Facing reality – where do we stand? Gerbrand Haverkamp
Chief Executive Officer
World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA)
Axel de Billy
SVP Total Rewards & HR Corporate Governance
Rachel Cowburn-Walden
Global Head of Sustainability (Human Rights)
10:20 – 10:50 MORNING BREAK
10:50 – 11:30 ADDRESS: International developments in support of Living Wage & Living Income Manuela Tomei
Assistant Director General
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Andrea Cattaneo
Senior Economist
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
11:30 – 12:30 TALK SHOW PANEL: Driving change through global multi-stakeholder partnerships Eduardo Prado Zuñiga
National Wages Council of Costa Rica
Annette Pensel
Executive Director
Global Coffee Platform (GCP)
Erica Roolvink-Schartman
Buying Director
Jens Busma
Head of the Agriculture and Rural Development Division
Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of Germany
Daniel Kostzer
Chief Economist
International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
12:30 – 13:45 NETWORKING LUNCH
13:45 – 14:30 DIALOGUE ON TRANSFORMATIVE BUSINESS PRACTICES: Examples of inspiring actions Nahuel Tunon
Human Rights Manager
Carolina Jaramillo Ferrer
Director of Sustainability
Caoimhe Buckley
Chief Corporate Affairs Officer
Lotte Mastwijk
Head of Sustainability
LC Packaging
Roberto Alonso Vega Alfaro
VP of Global Coffee Agronomy, R&D and Sustainability
Yann Wyss
Global Lead for Social Impact and Human Rights
14:30 – 14:40 AFTERNOON INTRODUCTION: Framing the practical sessions Isabelle Kumar
14:40 – 15:40

Registration to the breakout sessions will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. The instructions to sign up for the breakouts is shared with registrants.

  • Practical Strategies and Case Studies: Advancing Living Wage in Global Supply Chains(first session)
  • Driving Living Income: Strategic Partnerships and Practical Solutions for Impact (first session)
  • Leave No One behind: Building Inclusive Supply Chains
  • Next Step After Launch of ILO Living Wage Guidance: Strengthening the Link Between Corporate Initiatives and Labour Relations (first session)
  • How Can Multi-Stakeholder Cooperation Enable National Strategies and Local Action for Living Wage and Living Income?
  • Merging Economic and Environmental Goals through Regenerative Agriculture

15:45 – 16:45

Registration to the breakout sessions will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. The instructions to sign up for the breakouts is shared with registrants.

  • Practical Strategies and Case Studies: Advancing Living Wages in Global Supply Chains (second session)
  • Driving Living Income: Strategic Partnerships and Practical Solutions for Impact (second session)
  • Next Step After Launch of ILO Living Wage Guidance: Strengthening the Link Between Corporate Initiatives and Labour Relations (second session)
  • Exploring the Complementarity of LI/LW and Gender Equity
  • Driving Social Impact: Learnings from Evidence-Based Targets Initiatives and the Need for Global Alignment on Claims
  • Responsible Procurement Insights: Frameworks and Case Studies for Action

17:20 – 17:30 CONCLUSIONS AND CLOSING Daniel May
Jordy van Honk
Griet Cattaert
UN Global Compact (UNGC)

Practical sessions

In the afternoon, we will host six breakout sessions to get practical for speeding up and scaling up action. Please note that all six breakout sessions will take place simultaneously.

You can pre-select one session per round after registration. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Check the description and speakers for each breakout session in Round 1 and Round 2

Check the other Summit pages for the full speaker lineup and other practical details.

Living Wage and Living Income Summit 2024