Does your business rely on smallholders? Do you want to improve the cost of your operations and discover new business opportunities, while enabling your client’s professionalism?

If so, join us in the Farm and Coop Investment Program (FCIP). We offer co-financing and intelligence to:

  • Pilot innovative projects that aim to increase access to finance and decrease cost for cooperatives, farmers and your business (type 1 funding)
  • Support farmers and coops with capacity building that enables them to professionally manage their business and use credit effectively (type 2 funding)

Through this combined approach, cooperatives and farmers will become empowered in the financial space, improving their ability to use and access finance in both farm and non-farm activities.

Type 1 Financing

If you are an agribusiness or financial institution interested to finance segmented farmers and coops,  then you can apply for co-funding of operational costs. More specifically if you are a bank, MFI, social lender or commercial agribusiness that is:

  • Registered in Cote d’Ivoire with a lending license, and/or proven records of successful lending activities in the agricultural sector
  • Interested to develop dedicated agri-finance capacity for the agricultural sector.

Type 2 Financing

If you are an agribusiness, then you can apply for co-funding to support farmers and coops to become ready to use medium and/or long term financial products. However, you can ONLY apply for co-funding if:

  • You can either finance the farmers and coops yourself, or
  • You bring along a lender that is willing to finance as soon as farmers and coops are ready.

More specifically if you are an agribusiness company (including exporters, exporting coops, processors, input suppliers) that either finances farmers and coops already or have an agreement with a bank / MFI / social lender.

For detailed information about the costs eligible for funding, selection criteria, co-funding ratio, minimum and maximum contribution and payment structure, download the program two pager.


Download FCIP 2 page info sheet

Contact us for more information