IDH is working to secure living wages through the Roadmap on Living Wages. This platform works to strengthen international alignment and to build tangible solutions regarding living wage. Earning a living wage means workers receive sufficient wages to afford a decent standard of living for the worker and their family.

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Watch the video to learn more about the IDH Roadmap on Living Wages

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About the Roadmap

To support companies’ effort, IDH developed the Living Wage Roadmap. The Roadmap is the work of partnership: many partners are thinking along on developing solutions to barriers and testing them.

This has led to five clear steps with practical tools through which companies can progress. From measuring to action. For example, you can calculate living wage gaps with the IDH Salary Matrix, and with the IDH Living Wage Action Guide, you can find solutions on how to take steps with your supply chain partners to close living wage gaps.

Already a great group of companies and organizations are part of the Roadmap. Will you join too and use the Roadmap?

Explore how you can take action to close living wage gaps:

Check Living Wage Action Guide

Living Wages: International Labour Organisation Guidance and IDH

IDH very much appreciates the guidance as adopted by the Governing Body of the ILO in February 2024, bringing clarity on the concept of living wages, as well as providing principles for the estimation of living wages. Our work will benefit from the guidance provided and our basic appreciation of living wages is in line with the concept as denoted by the ILO. Such appreciation is expressed on this webpage. We highly value learning and continuous improvement of our programs and actions. We therefore have looked to integrate ILO guidance in our ways of working, the Roadmap and related tools on living wages. In this document, for each of the specific elements of the guidance as provided by ILO, we state how it is being addressed by IDH objectives, frameworks and tools for living wages.”

Living Wage & Living Income Summit

Over 400 guests from more than 250 organisations from the entire supply chain joined us at the Living Wage and Living Income Summit 2024.

At the Summit, we tapped into the recent developments at the International Labour Organisation and the upcoming EU reporting and supply chain regulations. Partners shared existing best practices and lessons learnt to close living wage and income gaps through sustainable procurement practices and collective action with unions and farming organisations.

The Living Wage Summit 2024 was organised together with GIZ and with support from the UN Global Compact.

Check the Summit website for more information

Who has joined our Living Wage journey?

Are you ready to join the effort?

IDH is calling out to companies taking the next step in their living wage commitment to take action and secure living wages for women and men in the workplace.

Email us and join the journey


Understanding the Living Wage

Hear from our partners

“IDH played a key role in converging , aligning efforts to move the living wage agenda in the banana supply chain. To ensure its success, it will require the whole value chain to work collaboratively and to find sustainable solutions together. In addition to listen to all relevant stakeholders, the methodologies and tools developed by IDH enable everyone to work within a similar framework and evaluate living wage gaps in a similar fashion.”

Julie Cournoyer

Director Global Sustainability, Fyffes

Hear more from our partners