Step 1: What is the Challenge?

In order to tackle the environmental impact hotspots, IDH supports companies to first understand where in the supply chain they take place, as this can vary considerably between countries, products and production systems.

IDH collaborates with key actors in the supply chain to undertake the following steps:

  • Understanding the hotspots and mapping key environmental risks
  • Aligning on how to measure (metrics) the environmental footprint by developing tools with aligned methodologies
  • Setting ambitious targets to reduce the environmental footprint in the supply chain
  • Ensuring the entire supply chain is involved
  • Formulating business cases that demonstrate the economic benefits of adopting sustainable business practices

Each initiative hosted or supported by IDH has set its own targets, as follows:

Sustainability Initiative Fruit and Vegetables (SIFAV)

  • 25% GHG emissions reduced by 2025
  • 25% food loss and waste reduction by 2025
  • Benchmark water efficiency levels reached in three catchments: water standards implemented for 70% of volume from high water risk countries
  • Development of a sectoral approach to biodiversity

Floriculture Sustainability Initiative (FSI)

  • 90% responsibly produced and traded volumes by 2025
  • Reduction of the product carbon footprint for selected products by 2025. A target of 25% reduction had been set for three common products: roses, chrysanthemum and phalaenopsis
  • Reduction of the living wage gap of workers at farm level by 2025

Sustainable Spices Initiative

  • 80% of the members use the SSI Environmental footprint tool by 2024
  • In progress of setting a SSI-wide climate target on SBTi

Aquaculture Working Group

  • A reduction in relative footprint of 25% by 2025, compared to a 2022 baseline
  • Companies set an organisational footprint at SBTi of 1.5 degrees, and a FLAG target
  • By 2030 3kg CO2 per kg of product for tilapia, pangasius/catfish, white leg shrimp and black tiger shrimp
  • Targets for water and other topics are to be set

Sustainable Juice Covenant

  • No target is yet set. A target will be set for participants of a working group starting Q3 2024